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March 31st

They rushed into the hospital and down the hallways once they got to a certain door one of the nurses stopped Kayla. "I'm sorry ma'am but you can't come back here." The nurse told her.

"W-what why?" She said sadly. "Because he needs to go under an emergency surgery." The nurse gave her a sorry look and walked away.

She huffed and walked to the waiting room she sat down in a chair and put her head in her hands. She sat there for a few minutes until Brook,Tre,Kayden, and Chy came in.

"Aye what happened?" Tre asked with a worried look. "I-I don't know we were just at his house and then shots came through the window." Kayla told him and she felt herself about to cry again.

Chy walked over to her and hugged her and she just broke down on her shoulder. "On my mom I bet it was that bitch ass nigga bando and his niggas." Kayden said to Tre.

"What who is that?" Kayla asked lifting her head from chy shoulder. "Jay told us what happened at the mall and that nigga y'all seen was bando." Tre told her.

Kayla huffed and leaned back into her chair. "I just hope he's okay." She said as she wiped her tears. "He gone be ok he got this." Brook sat next to her and rubbed her back.

They all sat in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come out.


Two hours later a doctor finally came. "Family of Jaylen Thomas." The doctor called out into the waiting room.

They jumped out of they're sleep and walked over to the doctor. "Is he ok?" Kayla asked. "Hi I'm doctor Cullen and yes he's ok he did great in surgery we were able to remove both bullets and nothing was damaged so that's good." He told them and they nodded their heads.

"But I do have some slight bad news due to the amount of blood loss we did have to put him in a medical induced coma we don't know when he will wake up it could take weeks or months." He told them.

"Can we at least see him?" She asked as she felt her heart drop. "Yeah he's in room 205 upstairs." He said pointing down the hallway.

They began to walk and find his room then they got to the elevator. Tre tapped the button and when the door opened it was a girl who walked out and mugged Kayla.

Kayla just ignored her and got inside the elevator. "Girl who the fuck was that?" Brooklyn asked as they all got in the elevator. "Girl I don't probably just some mad as bitch." She said pressing a button.

They got off and walked to his room. Once they found it they all walked in and seen him connected to a bunch of machines.

"Damn my Nigga better pull through." Kayden said putting his hand over his face. Kayla walked over to the chair next to his bed and sat down.

She grabbed his hand and put it in hers and he laid her head on their hands. "What if this is my fault ?" She said lifting her head back up.

They all scrunched up their faces. "How would this be your fault?" Chy asked. "Right whatchu mean this yo fault." Tre pitched in. "Because earlier when I was on my way home from getting my hair done it was a car following me." She told them.

"Oh foreal what kind of car?" Tre asked standing up. "It was a red car that's all I know and I was on the phone with Jaylen and he asked did I need him to come and I said no I should've said yes." She said shaking her head.

Kayden looked at Tre. "Bet." Kayden said walking over to Chy and gave her a kiss and walked out the room. And Tre did the same. "Bye baby imma see you in the morning." He said giving brook a kiss and following after Kayden.

"Girl this isn't your fault ok." Brooklyn said trying to reassure her. "Yes it is I should've just told him to come get me." She continued to blame herself. "Stop saying that there's nothing you could've done." Chy told her.

"Whatever." She said looking back at Jaylen. "Well I gotta get home y'all need a ride?" Brook asked the both of them. "Yeah I need a ride I came with Kayden but his ass left." Chy said getting her stuff.

Brook looked at Kayla. "No I'll stay here and get a Uber home." She told her. "You sure?" Chy asked her. She shook her head yes then they walked out.

She looked at Jaylen in awe she didn't know how to feel at the moment all she wanted was for him to be ok and wake up out of his coma.

She reached over and put her hand on his cheek and caressed his face she wanted to cry again but she didn't. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes and dozed off.

"Ma'am ma'am." The nurse said as she tapped Kayla to wake her up. "Ma'am you have to wake up." She said still trying to wake her. "Miss you have to leave now you can't sleep in here." She told her as she finally woke up.

"Will he be ok when I leave?" She asked the nurse as she gathered all of her things. "Yes he will we'll take good care of him." The nurse assured her. She nodded and gave Jaylen a kiss on the cheek and walked out the room.

She ordered her an Uber and she waited in the waiting room since it was dark outside. And as she waited she looked at pictures and videos of her and Jaylen. Not to long after she got a notification that her Uber was here.

She got up and walked outside it took her a minute to find her Uber but she found it. She got in and just stared out the window the whole ride.

She finally got home she walked upstairs to her room and kicked off her shoes and took her pants off and just got in bed and smothered her face in her pillow and went back to sleep.

She didn't feel like doing anything at the moment all she wanted was to go to sleep and not talk to anyone right now.


Y'all this was a short chapter because this one was basically finishing the last one since I kinda left y'all a cliffhanger.

Soooo y'all think it's was bando?👀

Don't forget to vote.

Byeee until next time.💗

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