05| Hot Bully

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"Excuse me, can you tell me, where is room 302?" I asked a girl passing by. She directed me and thanking her, I followed the path. Upon turning around the corner of the corridor, there was a group of boys who were teasing a boy appearing too timid in front of them.

Fuck, these bullies.

We literally are students of such a reputed business school, IESE and yet they're acting like this.

Muhammad Ali got reincarnated in my female fist and I strode across the hallway stepping in between those bastards and the boy.

"Hey you, brat. Why the heck are you bullying him?" I shouted at him, he had blue orbs and chocolate blonde hair, and an impressive 6'1 height. He was typical tan and dark Spanish from his looks and too had a built physique but on a more lean side unlike someone male twins I know, who are anything but lean.

"You had to be kidding me, this little thing bites boys," he snickered, and rolling my eyes, I tapped my feet furiously on the floor, waiting for his charade to end. He came close to me, but I didn't flinch for a second. From my peripheral vision, I saw the boy who was being targeted slide away from their diverted attention.

Like seriously, brother, I was helping you, how can you just skip a good beating to your abusers?

"Eyes on me, princess." Blue eyes called, gaining my focus, he snaked his arms around my waist, surprising me. Other comrades of his started hooting when he backed me up against the wall, that action deeply suffocated my windpipe. We're not in a high school romance movie, can't he act like a mature person?

I know, I joined a month late, but I was suffering from a fever. From when boys become like him soon after entering? All I ever thought was seniors being a little bully, not the same batchmate, and yes, I know he is of the same batch because he fucking was standing right next to the room where I was supposed to enter for my first class, and maybe I'm believing my guess to be too correct. Well, who cares, I don't.

"So princess, shall I kiss these tomato red lips or bury my head between those thighs and reduce the tingling feeling. Choose?" He smirked, and my knuckles protruded from the skin at my side. The audacity of this man to even think, I would let go of what he just said.

"Have you watched Oggy and the cockroaches mister?" I smirked now, watching his confused smile while the laughter behind him died down.

"Well, yes. In elementary school, why princess, I thought you must be watching Disney?" He gave out a small chuckle and I snorted at that. Disney? I might like that if my first show of life as far as I remember wouldn't have been WWE.

"Well, handsome... there was this very annoying cockroach there, and I really loved how..." when I called him handsome and said words trailing while placing my hands on his shoulder, his teeth were even visible through his shining grin. And then, "Oggy, would beat the shit out those cockroaches."

"And why should that be my concern princess?"

"Just saying, sometimes annoying cockroaches need pesticides." And saying that, I kneed him right where the sun is way too disgusted to shine. I had him see the stars on a bright day with my merciless kick.

"BITCH!!!" He shouted dropping down on the ground and holding onto his dear balls that were burst perfectly. I grabbed his hair, pulling his head to face me that was contorted with agonizing pain flourishing his wicked manly sperms and making sure, 65% of new generation possibility dies. I wasn't in the mood for mass destruction though. Or else, the remaining sperms would've begged me harder to leave them alone.

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