Chapter 18 - History Of Lukendonia /Part - 1/

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Title - Birth Of Lukendonia, Blood Soul Weapons And First Clan Leaders

First Lord, Noblesse and Clan Leaders

Alinta (First Daughter, Current Queen Of Ephida Queen Of Flames, Founder And First Lord Of Lukendonia, Adopted Mother of Valentina Siriana, Luna Tradio, Martina Agvain and Julia Kravei, CEO of the Most Famous Jewellery Company run by women, Singer, Actress and Model, Future Mother-in-law of Rajak, Karias, Ludis and Kei, World's richest women (Trillioner))

Serenity Kertia (First Kertia Clan Leader, First Famous Fashion Designer)

Eliana Blerster (First Blerster Clan Leader, Second Famous Fashion Designer)

Natalie Mergas(First Mergas Clan Leader, CEO of sweet company)

Benjamin Ru (First Ru Clan Leader, CEO of an airline)

Elena Elenor(First Elenor Clan Leader, CEO of the largest shoe company)

William Tradio (First Tradio Clan Leader, Director of music industry)

Claire Drosia (First Drosia Clan Leader, Director of movie industry)

Ethan K. Landegre (First K. Landegre Clan Leader, CEO of a technology company)

Maya Kravei (First Kravei Clan Leader, CEO of Sports Cars company)

Madelyn J. Loyard (First J. Loyard Clan Leader, Actress)

Gabriella Agvain (First Agvain Clan Leader, Model)

Hailey Siriana(First Siriana Clan Leader, CEO of the famous clothing store)

Josephine (First Noblesse, Scientist and best Doctor)

Blood Soul Weapons

True as its name the soil weapons colour is blood red. These are bigger and longer than the soul weapons passed down from generation to generation. It's divided into three parts and each part has equal power, tho its power is 5 to 10x the current soul weapon. They can only be obtained when the/a descendant surpassed its previous leader if surpassed one previous leader when one part of it is gone to the descendant and if two previous leaders then two parts or three previous leaders then he/she will gain the entire blood soul weapon.

Blood Ragnarok
Blood Kartas
Blood Amore
Blood Izarok
Blood Garant
Blood Blood Witch (Has Two eyes)
Blood Dolor
Blood Twin rapiers
Blood Regasus
Blood Lantheart
Blood Death Scythe
Blood Dragus
Blood Lontrick
Blood Massad

The Screen turns from white to blue. Suddenly they saw a women walking downstairs and talking to someone, but only Rajak, Karias, Ludis and Kei can see that, others were still seeing the blue screen.

Karias:- Hey, who is that???

Laetitia:- Who??? We can't see anyone.

Karias:- I swear I can see someone. Who else can see them???

Rajak+Ludis+Kei:- *raised their hand* Me

Victoria:- You four can see them but we can't see them at all.

Karias:- One second *keeps his right hand in front of the screen and moves it a bit to right*

All of a sudden the screen lights up and everyone can see the two women.

Remus:- Huh??? Who are they???

Ragar:- Don't know

Everyone started to listen and see what was going on and who were they.

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