Chapter 25 - Rael's Real Past,True Heart And Fame In The Other Part Of The World

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Part - 3

Title - Massive World Wide Fame, Returning To after 10 Years, Mission To Bring Back Seira And Back To The Lord.

~5 Years Later~

Rael became famous for his music and jewellery business (ORLRR) and hotels, which had hundreds of branches all around the world. Rael was enjoying his new life the way he wanted to enjoy it, he was doing what he loved to do and was not forced into anything else. Alinta and the others were so proud of him for finally standing up on his feet and deciding his life. 

People from all around the world loved and supported him. Rael along with his music and business made trillions of dollars every year. Not only that he also charted a lot of money to the poor and homeless people all around the world, went to hospitals for AIDS/HIV and other hospitals to meet the patients and make them happy, and also brought gifts along with him. 

The children were especially very fond of him and loved him a lot. They will run up to him for hugs or autographs and talk to him. 

People in his Company were also happy because not only did they have a friendly environment to work in but also a good salary with lots of facilities for them and their families. Every year more than hundreds of people come to give their interview in his company to have a stable life, a good environment, good people, and good seniors. 

To Summit everyone loves Rael.

Rael on the other hand also loved the people who loved and supported him. His character, nature, and attitude were completely different from what he had been in Lukendonia. Enjoyed his life here rather than being back to his home where no one loved him or supported him. He had his second mother (Alinta), uncles aunties, big sisters, and his friends, they were like his second family to him he loved them so much. 

The others were also happy to have him in their lives as before he had come into their lives they felt like something was missing now the piece of the puzzle was solved and they were enjoying their days full of happiness and laughter something that would remain in their memories for a long time.

~5 Years Later~

Valentina:- Luna, let him go already you are going to squeeze him to death.


Rael:- Big sister there is nothing to worry about I will be fine.

Luna:- But still I don't think that you will be treated well if you go there.

Serenity:- *internally scared for her descendant*

Alinta:- *comes inside the room* Luna, he will be fine Besides if anything happens Amemone and Cascade will have information about it.

Serenity:- *relieved*

Rael:- Besides big sister it's not like I'm going forever I will come and visit you when I have time.

Luna:- *relevant let's go of Rael*

Rael:- Mama, I will be leaving then. *smiles*

Alinta:- *pat his head and kisses his forehead* Take care, Angel, and if anything happens you know when to call me.

Rael:- *nods and opens the portal back to Lukendonia*

Everyone:- Bye, Rael 

Rael:- Bye *smiles and portal closes*

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