Chapter 11 - Getting Closer (Rael and Seira)

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~In the corridor~

Seira:- ~I wonder did he really change or is just pretending~


~1 month before~

~Everyone comes back from school~

Rajak:- *found a note on kitchen counter*

~I will be gone for three weeks --- Rael ~

~Three weeks why, where is he going?~

Karias:- *looking over Rajak's shoulder* Rael will be gone for three weeks Why???

Rajak:- Don't know

~Three Weeks Later~

The Raskreia and Gejutel came to visit Raizel.

Rajak:- *bows* Welcome Lord

Raskreia:- Raise Rajak

Rajak:- *Raised*

Raskreia:- Where is Rael??? He is mostly with you, Right??

Rajak:- He will come back today.

Raskreia:- come back today??? What do you mean???

Rajak:- Three weeks ago he left a note saying that he will be back after three weeks.

Raskreia:- Do you know why did he leave????

Rajak:- *shakes his head to no*

Karias:- Big Sis, Welcome

Gejutel:- Karias how many times I have told u to not call the lord, Big sis. *glaring*

Karias:- hehehe *laughs nervously*

Raskreia:- *sigh*

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Tao:- *looks in the monitor* it's the children.

Frankenstein:- let them in.

Ikhan:- Hi, Rai how r u?

Raizel:- *nods*

Suyi:- Oh, Raskreia you came too.

Raskreia:- *nods*

Shinwoo:- yhea, tonight will be fun then we brought new board games.

~1 Hour later~

The doorbell rang again.

Takeo:- *looks in the monitor* Oh, it's Rael. *opens the door*

Rael:- *walks in and bows his head a little to show his respect to Raizel and Raskreia*

Raizel+Raskreia:- *nods*

Yuna+Suyi:- ~O my, Only three weeks and Rael look more handsome and taller. ~

Frankenstein:- Rael finally you are back. Where were you these three weeks?

Rael:- Somewhere I needed to go *u can see a few of his muscles from the shirt surely he was training himself.*

Frankenstein:- Ok, then why don't you go and change and come eat dinner.

Rael:- No it's fine I will just rest.

Everyone:- *shocked* ~He never said No to Seira cooking~

Shinwoo:- Bro Rael, Seira cooked new dishes today it's really delicious.

Seira:- *Blush*

Rael:- Thanks but I'm fine. *goes to his room*

~Next Morning in School~

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