Chapter 5 - Preparing Outfits

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In the past, centuries of ancient civilization had somehow managed to survive and even prosper without all of the technology the humans have developed today. The Egyptians created pyramids by hauling stone towards the site of construction for the great pyramids. They didn't have vehicles or planes to assist them. The children from before August 6, 1991 all had been able to entertain themselves perfectly well without the world wide web. Yet, nowadays, should you deprive a child of their technologically advanced toys, they would have absolutely no idea what to do. They may even throw a tantrum. Which leads us to the current situation. Yuna, Shinwoo, Suyi, and Ikhan have all been trapped on an island with no way out lest they build some kind of raft, which by the way they do not know how to build properly. Normally they would use their phones to look it up. So, instead, they wander around the mansion looking for something to do. The principle had scurried off to prepare dinner for all of them and the house was so large that they may have gotten a little lost. So they wandered and wandered. 

Yuna:- "Hey, guys do you guys think we can find something like maybe photos of Rai when he was little or something?"  

Suyi :- "Oooh maybe! Where did the Chairman say his room was again?"

Ikhan :- *sighed* "Did you guys forget that we're lost? If we knew, we wouldn't be lost now would we? Seriously, just why do you need such a huge mansion?"

Shinwoo rolled his eyes suddenly bringing his arms down from behind his head. 

Shinwoo:- "Why wouldn't you want a mansion?"

Shinwoo:- "I didn't question why Rai had a mansion, just why is it so big?"

Yuna :- "Hmmm... well Rai has a big family so of course he'd need a big mansion."There's the Chairman, Tao, Takeo, Ajussi, Seira, Regis, Rael, and Karias. Plus there's Rai himself so that makes... 9 people!"

Suyi :- *nodded*, "Yeah, I'm kind of envious. It must be nice having such a large family. Plus they all seem so close. You can tell they all care about each other so much even though they're not actually blood-related."

Ikhan :- *laughed*, "Haha, yeah, you can totally tell that the Chairman is constantly worrying and fussing over Rai. I mean how many bowls of ramen does he make a day for him?"

Shinwoo:- *eyes lit up*, "Oooh, do I sense a way to pass my classes?" 

which earned a good smack in the head from Suyi. 

Suyi:-  "Don't say that! Besides, you should be careful, if you even think of that again, the chairman might hunt you down~." 

Suyi :- *giggled* "Who knows, it might actually work and land you with personal tutelage from the chairman." 

 The Chairman is... well he's certainly passionate about his work. Especially after all the trips Shinwoo's taken to the Chairman's Office, he can clearly remember how terrifying he could be. After all the experience Shinwoo has had with his lectures, he would definitely not ask for one on his own accord.

Shinwoo:- "You're right Suyi. Thinking like that would only serve to end my life early."

The students opened another door and found themselves in a study room with two tall windows wide open welcoming rays of light making the room seem alive and lived in. The curtain blew gently in the subtle spring breeze, making the dull green couches in the middle of the room a perfect place to nap. Between the couches, was a 3-tier serving tray adorning freshly baked desserts.

"Talk about majestic Living the good life." 

Suyi:- "I thought that was pretty good... "

Ikhan:- "Great, Suyi, now you've made the author cry. What do you expect us to do if she exacts revenge on us by killing us off?"

Yuna:- "She couldn't do that to Rai. She's too soft."

Ikhan:- Y'know... Ikhan's right...I may not be able to kill you off, but I can write you into a world with WiFi. Or you can stay WiFiless. Your choice. 

Suyi (raised her hands in surrender):-  "I never said anything. That was a great joke. Hahaha..."

After getting over the initial shock of talking with some kind of mysterious voice of some kind, Shinwoo wandered off to inspect the towering bookcase, not questioning it because mansions like this always tended to be haunted in movies.

Shinwoo:- "Hey do you guys think there's a hidden door behind this bookcase or something?"

Yuna *giggled*:-  "You two... you've both watched too many movies."

Ikhan* laughed*:-  "I've got games to beat."

Yuna (put her hand on her hip):- "That's not an excuse..."

Shinwoo :- "What else am I supposed to do when I'm at home? My homework? Sleep?"

Ikhan (raised an eyebrow) :- "Since when do you not sleep? I swear I've never seen you awake during class."

Shinwoo :- "I'm only sleeping in class cause I don't sleep at home."

Suyi :- *sighed* "Procrastination at its best."

Regis;- "So it seems. Humans are supposed to sleep at night. So inelegant."

Surprised the children turned their focus to the two classy figures entering the room.

Shinwoo:- "Seira! Regis! Where were you guys?!" 

Regis:- "We were choosing our outfits for the festival."

  Suyi:- "Oooh really? What's gonna happen at the festival anyway? What should we wear?" 

Seira:- "The Lord's castle will be open to both Clan Leaders and Central Knights. There will be a grand ball taking place inside the throne room, as well as the mandatory performances from each clan. You will be able to come and go freely from the throne room. Right outside the castle, you will find stalls representing different places all over the world. The stalls tend to be so thorough that you've basically been to the place once you visit its stall. There are many stalls for a single place, varying in time periods. It's highly encouraged to go out of your comfort zone during the festival and to be a little rowdy."

Regis:- "There's normally some type of surprise event as well." 

The boys gave some ooh's and ahhh's. The girls on the other hand were freaking out. A ball? Like the ball in Cinderella? The super fancy balls you see in movies? They haven't prepared for this! Sensing the other girls' concerns, 

Seira :- *smiled* "We will have your garments prepared for you."

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