Chapter 16 - The Starting Effect Of The Poison, The Cure And The Journey To Hell

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The next morning, everyone woke up and got ready for the day. Everyone arrived in the dining room.

Remus:- Good Morning

Camila:- Good morning

The girls went to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast while the boys arranged the table with plates and everything. Shinwoo was very gloomy, he did not talk to anyone. After everyone had their breakfast, Raizel disappeared somewhere and The lord and clan leaders went to do their duties. Rajak and Rael went to the Kertia training grounds to train as Rael asked Rajak to train with him. The other went here and there walking and talking. But suddenly everyone hears a BANG, it even made the lord alert and went by herself to check what had happened, but collapsed in the middle way, a few maids saw her and took her to her room and one want to call a doctor. The sound came from the Kertia Training Grounds, so everyone went there. On arrival, they saw the Kertia family doctor coming outside of Rael's room.

Olivia:- Doctor, did something happen to Rael???

Doctor:- Well, you see he used a lot of energy at once so that causes him to faint and hasn't woken up till now, but please don't worry he is fine. Sir Rajak is with him now. *leaves*

Vincent:- Even tho he used a lot of energy, how can have caused a huge explosion??

Ragar;- *knocks on the door*

Rajak;- *from inside* Come in

Everyone comes inside a sees Rael on the bed who is pale as a white sheet of paper and Rajak sitting beside him.

Olivia;- Rajak, what happened to Rael?????!!!!!!!!!
*sees her youngest one*

Rajak:- *gets up and checks if the door is closed*

Ludis:- Well, what happened??

Rajak;- Grandia turns back into Kartas.

Everyone:- WHAT!!!!???? HOW!!!!????

Emilia;- How did that happen???

Rajak;- I don't know, I and Rael were training and all of a sudden Grandia started to glow a bit, Rael and I were busy training that we did not notice it, I notice it at the last moment and that's when the explosion just happened and after the smoke and dust was gone I saw Rael on the ground and Grandia floating in the air. When I got to Rael, he was pale as a paper, then I looked up to see that Grandia was gone and instead there was Kartas.

Everyone;- *shocked and speechless*

Karius:- Lord, can that happen???

Vincent:- I'm not sure about it. *starts thinking about the possibilities*

Rael:- *bit by bit wakes up from his unconsciousness and turns to look at his brother, who was standing near him* B....B...Brother

Rajak:- Rael, how are you feeling??? *comes near his brother*

Rael:- *weak voice* Tired, I feel like my entire energy is sucked out of me. But what happened when we were training?

Rajak:- First, get better, then I will tell you.

Karius:- Rajak, are you sure it was the same that you used Kartas?

Rajak:- *looks at him and nods*

Vincent:- Wait, Rajak when did the Kartas that you have now appear???

Rajak:- When I was fighting with the traitors, at that time after surpassing father's limits, I all of a sudden felt the Kartas disappearing from my hands and in replace of that, there was a new pair of Kartas, it was completely different, it had much longer blades and it was the blood-red colour. *takes his Kartas out and true as he said, it was much longer than the blades that were passed down from generation to generation and the colour of the blades was blood-red*

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