Chapter 15 - Jealously and A Evil Plan And The Regret

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After it was past midnight, everyone started to say their goodbyes and congratulated Raizel and Raskreia again for their Engagement. After everyone had gone back to their homes, others started to return to their temporary rooms, looking very tired after the long day.

Rael was going back to his room when Emma called him.

Emma:- Rael, wait up!!! *running up to him*

Rael:- *turns around* Emma is something the matter??

Emma:- *smile and comes closer and whisper in Rael's ear * You were very handsome back on the stage in America about 2 months ago and your song was really fascinating to hear from someone who doesn't sings and the one who is rude to human is completely different when no one who knows him, is watching him, caring a lot about children and people and also owns a company which is the world largest jewellery one and you're the CEO who makes the most beautiful jewellery and owns the rarest coloured diamonds the red, blue, green, pink, yellow, black, etc, ones and are the world number 1 richest man. *moves away from his face to see his reaction*

Rael:- *shell-shock with wide-open eyes* H..H...How do you...I meant how did you know??? *whispers back still shock*

Emma:- Oh don't worry your secrets is safe with me, a friend's promise to another friend, I will keep quiet till everyone finds out about it tho I doubt that they will know anytime soon.

Rael:- ..........

Seira:- Rael have you not gone to sleep??? *suddenly comes*

Rael:- Seira??!!! *looks at her she was already in her nightgown with an empty jug in her hand* Ya, I was just about to go.....hmmm.. goodnight both of you *leaves for his room*

Emma:- *looks at Seira* I guess I will go to, goodnight Clan leader *bows a bit and gets out of there*

Seira:- ~What were they talking about??? Why do I hate Rael seeing some other girls now when I didn't mind that in the past??? I guess this is what happens when you are in love with someone. Did Rael feel that too when I was with someone else???~ *shakes her head and goes to the kitchen to get some water*

~Rael's Room~

Rael:- *changes into his night dress*~Man. Emma really should keep quiet or else I will be sent back to confinement if they or brother know the one there, was not me but a clone of mine that Mama left in my replacement. ~almost sits in his bed~

???:- knock knock

Rael:- Huh???!!! yes come in ~who could that be???~

Rajak:- *comes in* Rael you are not asleep till now???

Rael:- Emmm...I was going to, why is something the matter???

Rajak:- well the previous lord wants to see you, he has a request.

Rael:- huh?? Request hmm... Ok, I will go there now. *gets up and follow Rajak to a room where the previous lord (Vincent) was*


Rajak and Rael reach the room and Rajak knocks on the door.

Previous Lord:- *from inside* Come in

Rajak and Rael:- *goes inside and bows*

Previous Lord:- Ha Rael, you came, well as Rajak must have informed you I have a request.

Rael:- *nods* yes, Lord

Previous Lord:- Ohh... Even after not being the Lord anymore why do everyone still call me that??? *dramatic thinking*🤔🤔🤔

Rajak and Rael:-..........😐😑

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