midoriya izuku - i'll remember for you

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i'm back again and hopefully i will stop procrastinating.

anyways, if you're reading this, please name your 2 favourite characters from bnha ( preferably one masc-presenting and one fem-presenting character ) it's for something :3

also, lots of conversation for this story so yea.

CW: N.A.


Waking up with a pounding headache isn't the best thing ever.

It felt like my head was going to split open. I really wanted to sleep a little more, but I don't think it's possible.

Groaning, I reached for my head. However, instead of the feeling of skin and hair, I felt something rough. Is it cloth? Or is it something else?

As I opened my eyes, instead of the ceiling of my bedroom, I was met with something I didn't recognise.

The ceiling looks different. I don't recognise this place, but it feels... familiar?

"...What the...?" I said out loud, though it sounded more like a croak than anything else; Not that I was sure why, but my throat was really dry.

As I became more aware of my surroundings, I looked around. Putting two and two together, I realised that I was in a hospital.

Hospital, for what?

"y/n? y/n! Oh my gosh you're awake," says a voice I didn't recognise.

I turned towards my left where the voice came from, and I was met with a pair of large green eyes.

Whoever they were, their face was hovering dangerously close to mine. It was too close for comfort, so I moved away slightly. Taking the hint, they too backed away.

They started to say something, but I wasn't really listening. Instead, I was staring at their face as I tried to remember where I met them before.

Green hair and green eyes, body full of scars, where have I seen that before? I feel like I know them, but the only thing I recognised about them was what they were wearing, which was the U.A. uniform.

I shrugged away that thought. It isn't important.

As he was talking, I did manage to catch him saying this, "...and you were actually asleep for a little over three days but-"

My eyes widened.

"THREE DAYS?" I croaked out, shocked.

Feeling a little panicked, I tried to prop myself up on the bed, though weirdly I was wincing with every small movement. Feeling under my hospital gown, I realised that my whole upper body was bandaged.

I was becoming even more confused. Where did all these bandages come from? First my head, now my body?

The green stranger, seeing that I was struggling, helped me sit up on the bed. He then hands me a cup of water, which I downed quickly.

I was going to ask him why I was in the hospital, but I couldn't get a word out before he started talking again, "Yeah, three days! You actually woke up sooner than the doctors predicted."

"Well," he sits down on a chair, "I'm just happy that you look better than when you were being brought to the hospital."

Confused, I asked, "Wait... What the fuck happened to me? Why am I like, all wrapped up with bandages and stuff?"

"And... Who are you?"

He stopped whatever he was doing, turning to look at me. After a moment of awkward silence, he starts to laugh.

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