#7: Locker Room - Mullette (Smuttish/ Fluff)

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|Crying (First time)|

|Watch the video before reading this for context!|

"Ready... Set... Go!"

The pistol sounds the runners take off. He was already in the lead, not much of a surprise. He had been breaking high school record after high school record. He already was the fastest at Washington.

He finishes his first lap, only one more to go. All the other runners were spaced out behind him. He picked up his pace, ready to finish the race in first place. Only a single misstep sent him tumbling right into someone and off the track.

The crowd's cheers falter at this before continuing as the other runners pass him. People gather around the incident in concern and shock. Coach Washington breaks through the crowd and walks over to him.

Lafayette abruptly sits up confused before looking who he ran into— or rather landed on. One of the cheerleaders. And not just any cheerleader, the team captain. Hercules Mulligan.

Hercules shifts in confusion about the situation and tries to sit up, only to be unable to. "Hold- hold on everyone please move away, nothing to see here," Washington says.


"Hey, you two okay?"

Lafayette slowly nods and Hercules tries to sit up more. "Y- yeah I'm okay coach," He says. "Here let me help you both up anyways," Washington says, holding his arm out to pull Lafayette off of Hercules. Lafayette gets off of him himself.

"Shit, my ankle," Hercules says rubbing his ankle. "Think you can walk? Need any help?" Washington asks. "Yes, please," He responds. Washington helps him up. "Lafayette, you're okay? Wanna just relax for a bit? The race is already over," Washington says. "Um, yeah I can just wait, it's fine. I am so sorry about your ankle," he says to Hercules. Hercules smiles a bit. "Uh no it's fine, really. I know you didn't mean to," he responds.

Washington helps him off the field and back into the school. Lafayette sits down at the bleachers and watches the rest of the races continue on without him.


"Dammit, I think I left my phone in the locker room. Hey I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?"

"Alright. Come by the party anytime, Laf."

"Will do."

Lafayette jogs his way back to the locker room quickly. He had hung around later than usual to see if there was anything on Hercules and if he was okay. They didn't say anything, but he heard that he had to go in an ambulance. Of course, those were just rumors.

He walks in and notices that the lights are on. Odd. They usually are off after 6 PM. It's 8 PM. There's some shuffling and Lafayette slowly approached it, looking around for possible weapons just in case.

"Dammit. Who took my..?"

Lafayette turns the corner to see Hercules rummaging through his locker. "Hercules?" Lafayette asks. The man jumps in place and accidentally shuts his locker. The cheer captain's eyes widen before gaining his composure.

"Lafayette... um hi," he says awkwardly. "Hey... what are you doing here?" Lafayette asks. "Uh w- well you see... I can't use the girls locker room or gender neutral room even if i'm on the cheer team. I get uncomfortable in here because awhile back when I came out, everyone was thinking I was looking at and stuff and complained. So I use it after or before everyone else..."

Lafayette grimaces. "Oh... I'm so sorry that happened to you..." he says. "I- it's alright, really! I don't mind. Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"Oh I just forgot my phone here," Lafayette says, walking over to his locker and getting his phone. "Here it is... um well, how is your ankle doing? Sorry about earlier by the way," he says, leaning against the locker next to Hercules'. "It's fine now. The nurse said to take it easy I guess. And don't worry, it's all good. Sorry you lost the race though."

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