Fallen Angel - Mullette (Fluff)

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|TW: Talk about murder, mention of abuse|


How did I land myself in hell? Easy question, easy answer. I screwed myself over.

I didn't mean to kill my ex, but I purposely hid all of the evidence and never got caught. The worse thing is, I don't regret it. She was, well how to describe it... a pain in my ass. And not the good kind either. She constantly accused me of cheating on her with every guy I so little as glanced at. She took my bisexuality and used it against me. She was mentally abusive and I couldn't take it anymore. At least I don't have to see her here.

Every once-in-a-while I get to visit the surface in the form of a human. My demon powers still remain in tip top shape. When I visit the surface, I find the biggest and emptiest field I can find and I stargaze. The stars are so beautiful, when I was alive I would study them.

This time was little different. There were rumors that Heaven would be visible at exactly 12 A.M. on January 1st. I plan to see it. Just once. Sure, I'm a demon, but I can still dream. I have everything laid out. I found the perfect spot and put down a blanket. I kept track of time and as of right now, there is one minute until midnight.

I lay on the blanket and stare up at the stars, stretching out my batty wings and flick my tail. I quietly count down the seconds up until it hits twelve and— nothing happens. Maybe I missed it because I blinked. I sigh in disappointment. I wish heaven would just come to me," I mumble angrily. I get up and dangerously flap my wings. Then something caught my eye.

I look up and see a bright flash of light. That's approaching me. Fast. I stand there, extremely confused and frozen. Is it a star? Is the sky falling? Heaven clashing with Earth? Only one way to find out. I flex my wings, about to take off. Only I waited a second too long. The light crashes right into me and I fall back into the grass.

I groan in pain because I landed on my wings. I open my eyes and squint. A huge pair of feathered wings flex in front of me, glowing brightly. I stare widely at them. I feel some of the weight lifted off of me and someone or something turns around to face me.

He's glowing.


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