Fight For Me, Fight For You - Marliza (Fluff)

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|Warning: Overwhelming adorable-ness|


My life isn't so great. I am emotionally and physically abused by my family. My ex-boyfriend was a dick who scarred me. Not to mention the bullying throughout school. But my best friend Eliza helped me through and through. She has always been there for me. But now it's time for me to be there for her.

I walk in Mr. Washington's office and shut the door. "Ms. Lewis. I'm surprised to see you here," Mr. Washington said. "Hi Mr. Washington. I was wondering if you could release Elizabeth from her detention. Yes, she did start that fight, but she was only defending me. Those girls were teasing me and bullying me. Eliza only wanted to defend me."

"I'm sorry, but the rules are the rules."

"But sir, two weeks of detention? Don't you think that's a little unfair?"

"Yes well, I can't change it now."

"Oh... sorry then."

"For what?"

I walk over to his desk pour all of his coffee on his lap. He watches with a blank look on his face. "... You could've just volunteered to watch the detention class, Ms. Lewis," he mumbles. "Oh well now you tell me. Anyways, I'll be in my way to class now," I smile and leave his office. 

"'Ria! 'Ria!"

I turn and see Eliza waving at me with a bandage on her cheek. I smile and wave back as she runs over. "They just let me out of the nurses office," she says when she gets to me. "Oh Lizzie- your cheek.." I can't stop staring at the bandage. She covers it with her hand. "It's not that bad. Besides, I fought for you. Don't you ever think it was your fault, okay?" She smiles.

I blush and nod. "So... what were you doing in Washington's office?" She asks. "Getting you out of detention. It didn't work..." I trail off. "You're not telling me something. What did you do?" she asks with a serious look on her face. "I took his coffee and poured it out in his lap."

"Maria! Why would you do that?!"

"So I could sit in detention with you."

"Awe... you did that for me?"

"You fought for me. I'm gonna fight for you," I playfully punch her arm. She chuckles. "You're so sweet, Maria. I could kiss you!" Eliza says and squishes my face. I blush more and look around at the people staring at us. "Liz- people are looking heh..." I mumble to her. "So what? Have they never seen a girl get ready to confess her love to her best friend before?"

"No I don't think- wait what?"

I look at her and she kisses me. I blush more and kiss back. She pulls away after a moment and smiles more. "I love you, Maria Lewis, I always have. I want to fight for you. So, will you accompany me to prom and be my girlfriend?"

My eyes well up with tears. As I said, my life isn't so great. But the one thing that's makes it not-so-great instead of downright terrible, is my best friend. And soon to be girlfriend.



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