Length of the Earth - Jamilton (Angst Short)

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"And here is the flower garden. This is my favorite spot. It reminds me of you. We used to spend so many nights here. Just cuddling, watching the stars. Every once-in-a-while, things would get heated. But most of the time we just relaxed in the comfort of each other's arms."

Thomas smiles softly and sits down, closing his eyes and trying to remember what it felt like to hold his hand. "I'm getting old, Alex. Time is running out for me every day that passes. I just wish to be at peace. I want to be with you again," he says to himself.

"Sure, our relationship didn't start out so great. We fought for years until it finally stopped and that's when we realized, anger and hate aside, that we were meant for each other. It wasn't upsetting either, it was relieving. I felt so free and happy with you. I loved every second we spent together, and I know you did too. Because you told me. Every, single, day. And I just wish— I wish we had more time. Cause it felt like our time ran out too fast. Like you were slipping away, but I was too caught up to notice.

"Philip, I am so sorry that I took the time I had with you for granted. I wasn't a good father to you. But I cherish these moments that I had with you. And I didn't realize how much they meant to me, until I lost you too."

Thomas laid back and listened to the soft breeze. The trees and birds spoke to him, calling for him. He closed his eyes. "We can make flower crowns. I know, I told you that flower crowns are childish. But that's okay. They don't have to be a childish thing. They can be our thing."

His breathing slowed as the clouds stopped motion and time sat still. "When I see you both again, I'm going to yell at you about every reason you shouldn't have left me. And then, I'm gonna hug you and never let you go again. We can walk the length of the earth, together, hand in hand, for the rest of eternity.

"I can't wait to see you again, my love. My son."

And for the first time in twenty-two years, Thomas felt the warmth of his Alex's hand in his left hand once more. And the warmth of their son's hand in his right.


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