30. All is fair in war.

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It was a new dawn, the birds cawed loudly in the morning, all seemed normal. But looks can be deciveing.

Everywhere you looked people were preparing for war. People were making potions thinking they have plenty of time before it actually begins. Thinking they have another day left. Another day left to live.
Another day to say goodbye.
Deep down people were nervous, giddy, on edge.

Some snapped at anything and everything while others suffered in silence. Most were in their early twenties.
Two boys in particular were still teens.
Still had their lives ahead of them.
Still had a chance, but they've chosen their path.
They chose to fight.
And fight they will.

One was routing through chests to find materials for armour and weapons while the other, the president was deciding on battle plans thinking they all had plenty of time.

It was early, the three men knew people would be too busy preparing weapons and potions to notice them but they drank an invisibility potion anyway just to be safe.

Sure, they were low on men having only two men and an old man, but they did have hounds. Wolves, an army of them at that.
The pink haired brute brought them down beneath the ground. Below the community house which had been recently destroyed and now was but a broken platform floating on water.. Well most of it was still afloat. Some parts had sunken below the water. And debree had made its way inside the sewer system where they were going.

Technoblade had hidden the Wolves beneath the ground, hundreds of them. All waiting patiently for their time to rise during battle. One was named Apollo, it probably wasn't for the best to get attached to these animals who are litteraly going to war and most will probably die, but on the off chance they don't Techno thought it would be a nice gift to Irene.

The three made it through the sewers, lead by Techno as they took twists and turns on their way there. To the other two who hadn't been there before, it was confusing, all these different twists and turns but Techno? He had walked this very path countless of times in order to create his army.
Only one other person knew about this, Tommy.
He just hoped Tommy hadn't killed all his pets within the last few hours, Techno had been there the day before ensuring all the wolves were there, bur still, anything could have happened withing the last few hours.

The trio eventually got there, the two at the back seemed confused as to why he stopped so suddenly. That was until Techno took his pickaxe and mined out a small section of the wall revealing hundreds, no, Thousands of Wolves all well fed and trained to kill.
Some even had armour fitted to them.
And they all growled at the new visitors but with a single whistle from Techno it all stopped.
And the hole in the ground became deadly quiet.

''Welcome, meet the wolf army.'' Techno's voice echoed through the large whole in the ground while Dream stood in Awe of Techno's work. This must have taken hours, no days, months even to accomplish such an army.

And as the trio kept walking further down into the cave, more and more wolves revealed themselves leaving Dream in an ever more astonished state. Then, Dream realised, how mush they were gonna completely destroy L'Manburg with just the hounds which was a bavk-up plan.
These. Were. A. Backup. Plan.

These were because Techno decided it would be fun to Test them out.
A Test Run.
He isn't even taking it all that seriously.

It just shows how powerful they truly are. How confident they were in their plan. How badly the County was going to suffer afterwards. Not an ounce of pity will be shared. They had their chance and a second chance. They had their revolution a chance at freedom but the incase themselves in that malicious world of governments and politicians who could care less-and most likely do.

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