10. The Festival

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The festival is later today! My meeting with Techno who I haven't seen in way too long! I decided to make myself nice but comfortable outfit.
It was a red skirt with a black top. I also had a pair of black shoes and red fingerless gloves.

I was extatic! I was ready to go before it was even 10 o' clock! Now I need to relax until its time to go.

Switching pov...

''Hey Technoblade. I'm glad you could join us for the festivities'' Jschlatt said putting his arm around the hybrid as if they were friends.

Jschlatt reaked of alcohol. So much so Techno was beginning to question if he was going to pass out drunk in the middle of the festivities. He remembered how Irene's parents were alcoholic. It brought a sour taste in Technos mouth.


Everyone seemed to have a good time. Techno almost felt pity.. almost. Mabe he could bring Irene to watch this place blow up from a safe distance.. she wouldn't mind that right? It would be a fun time.

Their were multiple mini games, technos favourite was the fighting one. He won of course. Techno by the end of the matches had a few bruises. Irene would probably be scolding him for fighting if she was here with him.

''Techno, have you found a wife yet?'' Schlatt slurred on his words.

''No.'' Techno replied blankly. ''I don't want to marry.''

Schlatt's scoffed. ''Why not? If you don't love 'em you could just kill 'em and if you get away with it, you can get more money!''

Techno was ignoring Schlatt as best he could but the voices were demanding blood. So he tried to refrain himself.

''Ooo it's time for the speech.
TUBBO! Get over here. Now.'' Schlatt's mood changed all too quickly for Techno's likeing. He was all bubbly now bursting with rage. Techno just scoffed and sat down.

When Tubbo was done with his speech he was supposed to run offstage but Schlatt had other plans.

Switching pov... again.

Irene was flying over to the co-ordinates Techno asked her to be at. She was a little early but Techno wouldn't mind right.

Irene was wandering through the woods when she heard something. Fireworks going off and people screaming. Irene was curious and ran towards the sound.

Techno.. but he wasn't alone. Their was a boy. Brown hair laying in a box, blood dripping from his face.
Irene stepped back a bit not knowing what to do.

''HOW COULD YOU TECHNO!?''A blonde boy yelled

''I was preasured into it!?'' Techno yelled back.

Irene could see sharp breathes from the brown haired boy. He was alive.. but barely. And the other two were too busy fighting to notice.

Irene wrapped her cloak around her and put up her hood covering her facial features and body along with a mask covering her mouth and nose. She swooped down to the stage were Techno and the boy were still arguing.
Irene ran to the brunette and sure enough burn wounds  covered the left side of his face. Irene was about to grab a fire resistance when,

''HEY GET AWAY FROM HIM!?'' The blonde swong his sword Irene tried to dodge but it was too late. The sword had slashed her back.

''Tommy.'' Techno's voice was harsh. Even Tommy flinch at the sound Techno grabbed Tommy's collar and threw him to the ground away from the hooded figure. Me.

Irene winced in pain as she poured a fire resistance potion on the boy so his wounds don't get worse. She then took a spare cloak from her bag and wrapped up the boy.

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