22.5 just a feeling...

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It was a quiet morning. Tommy and Techno were off again, though you didn't mind. Techno promised to tell you about it later, so all you had to do was wait.

It was a peaceful morning, time flew by without you even realising. You tended to Blue and Violete, your ravagers first, then Steve. It had been a while since you went hunting, now that you thought about it. Techno was definitely getting overprotective and shit, but it's not like you minded. It just showed he cared.

Techno took Carl while Tommy took Charcoal, your horse. Carl wouldn't let Tommy or Phil anywhere near him. Only me and Techno could even come close to Carl without getting kicked or bitten. Charcoal was a soft horse, she was weary of Tommy at first but warmed up to him. Now when they leave Tommy takes Charcoal while Techno takes Carl.

When you walked inside Phil was reading. It was an old book on different myths and legends. Phil was always interested in that kind of stuff. Old ruins, legends, God's. The whole lot. Techno said Phil would go off on journey's to explore the world and then come home with different story's from his travels.

You were drawing in your sketch pad. The only noise in the house came from the scratch of the pencil being guided along the paper, the occasional flips of paper from Phil turning the page on his book and the crackling fire emitting heat throughout the house.

It was still, quiet.

Something's wrong. Or going wrong. The silence never sat  well with you. Especially this silence. It wasn't peaceful, but quiet, empty even. It worried you. Probably more that it should.   You got up from your seat and took a book from the bookshelf, and put your sketchpad back.

You tried to ignore the feeling as best you could. It wasn't working though. It could just be you, making a big deal out of nothing. That was a habit of yours. Even the smallest scratch on Techno would make you worry, it goes for Phil and Tommy too.

Your mind kept trailing off while reading, so instead you decided to brew a few potions. Brewing potions was always something you liked to do.

You hadn't realised how much time had actually passed, but when you finnaly finished 3 wither resistance potions the door, as if on cue, swong open revealing a proud and grinning Tommy. Techno then entered the cabin, his weapons were around his belt, ones L'Manburg had taken off him.
That's where they went to.

It all made sence now.

Before Irene made her presence clear she took the wither resistance potions and brought them to the chest room, putting a lid on them before stashing them away in their respected chests.

Irene left the chest room to see Techno had already taken off his armour and weapons and was talking to Phil as if nothing happened. Irene was mad. This is why they didn't tell her. Because they knew she would disapprove.

Techno turned away from Phil and seen Irene coming up the ladder from the chest room.

''Hallo, Love'' He said in a more happy tone than usual.

''Hello babe'' Irene replied smiling. She figured they would tell her sooner or later. If not she would bring it up and scold them later.

The rest of the evening was calm. You and Techno relaxed in the shed where the ravagers were kept. Your back rested agenst the side of blue, with Techno beside you petting Violete's head.

You were reading a book on Greek mythology while Techno was reading 'The Art Of War' his go-too-book. It is his favorite book, Greek mythology has always inspired him in more ways than one.

''Love?'' Techno asks looking up from his book. You could have sworn his eyes glowed a bright red, indicating the voices were trying to take over, but ultimately stayed their usual blood red colour.


''So, you still don't know where me and Tommy are going.. so I want to tell you.'' He says finnaly. But I already know where they've been going. L'Manburg. After seeing his weapons back it was kinda obvious.

''L'Manburg. Right?'' I answer for him. He looks me, dead in the eye and just stared, as if I surprised him.

''What? You think I wouldn't know? You two reek of the Nether but never bring back stuff for potions? Say your going hunting, but only bring back two rabbits? Sure Tommy was there, but he shouldn't be too much of a problem. It was getting a little too obvious at this point. Not to mention the weapons you got taken off you suddenly appear weapon by weapon.''

''.. why didn't you say anything?!'' He asked raising his voice slightly but not enough to annoy the ravagers.

''I wasn't sure if I was right, also I trusted you to tell me at some point. I also didn't connect the dots until fairly recently.'' You spoke matter-of-factly. Techno's eyes flashed red a few times, before returning to their usually blood red colour once again.

''Has chat been giving you a hard time recently?'' You ask turning to him.

Techno looks over at me, one of uncertainty, ''Yeah..  Lmanburg is planning a festival so me and Tommy were gonna use the opportunity to steal my shit back.''

''What are you missing? You already have a bunch of weapons. I'm sure I could just get you more if you want.'' You state calmly.

Techno mumbles under his breath, you could barely make out a few curses and swear words before he turns his attention back to you.

''How-how long have you known?'' He asks still slightly baffled.

''Since you came in this morning with all the weapons.'' You say in a deadpaned tone.

A small 'Oh' could be heard from the man beside you. He looked confused as to how you knew. He didn't even see you when he entered the house.

The rest of the day was quiet, the shady feeling you were getting didn't go away though. It bothered you probably a lot more than it should. You just had a bad feeling in your gut. Like it was trying to warn you or something.. whatever it was you shook it off like nothing was wrong.
The evening came and went and so did your energy as you crashed onto the bed and slept. The bad feeling never truly leaving as you fell asleep.

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