6. hopeful

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Irene felt like she had been running for hours. She used a healing potion on her back. She always had one on her just in case but her arrow wound was a different story. She ripped up her shirt and pulled out the arrow, then used the shirt fabric as a make-shift bandage.

She was still in her demon form, horns, tail, wings the lot. Irene was walking through a warped forest when she heard a ghast screeching behind her. She turned around instantly. She seen the guards were still behind her. And they were close.

While they were dealing with the ghast she ran towards a portal, that lead her to the snowy Tundra she called home. She didn't want people to know where she lived especially not her parents let along the guards chasing her down. But she didn't have a choice.
She used her wings to quickly fly towards the portal. She never really learned how to fly, but she managed to teach herself, with the help of Techno and.. well.. Patricia

She made it to the portal that lead her home. She wasted no time walking through it.

A deadly cold wind instantly hit Irene's face as she passed through the portal. She had searched through her bag and pulled out a black cloak wrapping it around her as she made her way through the forest.

Irene was now walking through the forest growing very tired very fast. But she was nearly there. Home was in reach where Techno was..

But, did he even want her? was she really that ugly that Techno didn't want to marry her? Was she even good enough for him? Mabe he didn't like her demon form mabe that's why? Is she the real reson he didn't want to marry? These thoughts rushed through her head like a train that never stopped.

She was so enveloped in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the guards following her, until


''Get her!'' A guard yelled. Irene immediately turned around only to be met by a sharp iron sword that she tried to dodge but wasn't quick enough. It cut her stomach. She backed up, then another guard grabbed her hair and smashed her head agenst a tree. When he let go, her body slumped down her back agenst the trunk of the tree as blood trickled down her head.

The guards kicked, punched and cut her, Irene couldn't even do anything. She just flinched in pain tears slowly falling down her face as they continued. Then one guard had an idea.

''Let's cut off her wings.''

Irene was horrified. Her eyes widened in fear. She squirmed and yelled trying to release herself from the men's grip. Three of the men held her wings in a very uncomfortable position as she cried pleading for help. But the more she resisted the more they laughed.

One man stood up he picked up his sword and dug it right into her injured shoulder. Irene screamed in pain, they just laughed. They thought it was funny. Irene felt sick to her stomach. Not because their was a huge gash along it, but because they found cutting up a creature's wings funny.
The man removed his sword from her shoulder. Tears already staining her face, her eyes were red and puffy and she was pail from blood loss.

''This will be over soon.'' He snickered then he walked over to my wing and jumped on it.


Irene Screamed in pain. Her wing now broken and was in so much pain she couldn't see straight.

The men cut up her other wing, blood flowed onto the ground staining the white snow.

Just as the guard was about to cut up the other wing. A tall man appeared. He wore a pig mask a blue cape and his hair was long and pink.

''Sorry sir we are going to have to ask you to leave.'' One of the guards said standing up from my wing and walking over to the man. The guards smile wasn't faltering.

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