25. Honestly...

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I don't like Dream.

He gives me bad vibes when he's around and he always has his armour on which is concerning. Like he's always ready for a fight to the death.

Sure Techno usually has his armour on but I know Techno but Dream.. I just don't like him. I don't even know how he knows my name. That definitely set off multiple red flags in my mind.

''Well Irene?'' Dream asked, as if knowing I won't be able to answer him.

''You could do a TNT grid above L'Manburg.'' I say blankly. Dream Techno and Phil look up at me. As if surprised by my answer.

''Care to explain?'' Dream asks I can hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke.

''You could build an obsidian grid above L'Manburg in each grid, there will be a restore contraption that will constantly launch TNT onto the ground blowing up L'Manburg. Of course you'll need a distraction to get the grid in place and restore ready.'' You explain but then before you can continue you feel Phil glaring at you from behind Dream so you stop explaining.

''So.. yeah.. I'll go now.. '' You say nervously and excuse yourself walking back into the kitchen.

''Oh come now Phil, why give her that look? She was only trying to help.'' Dream says confidently.

''You can leave now Dream.'' Phil glared at Dream as he nodded and left without another word.

Techno then immediately made a b-line to the kitchen and hugged Irene fron behind making her jump. She realised who it was and relaxes into his chest while Techno's hands wrap around her abdomen.

''You alright Love?''
You nod as you move the pot away from the stove. Techno plants a kiss on your cheek before leaving you to get some plates.

After dinner Phil said he was going to bed. After today you would go to bed too but Phils house is almost finished all it needs is for the roof to be finished then he can start moving in. His house isn't far it's literally right next-door.

You were about to go outside but Techno stopped you by wrapping his arms around your abdomen hugging you from behind.

''You alright Love?'' I ask.

''Stay.. with me?.. the voices are loud and.. you calm them down..'' He asks.

You nod. ''Alright I'll stay.''

The day has been slow and stressful. For everyone. Phils new house can wait until then you are with Techno.

You take Techno's hand and lead him to your room where you both sit down on the bed. Your head on Technos chest while he brushes through your hair with one hand while his other hand rested on your waist. Your worries slowly drifted away along with your conscious as you fell asleep.

You woke up early the next morning. Techno was sound asleep by your side and his huge claws felt like they were prying you apart. The more you tried to move to get out of his grasp, the more he growled and held on. When you looked up though, his eyes were closed peacefully despite his hands clinging onto you, and his growling.

You eventually managed to slip from his grasp and made it out of bed. When you turned back the piglin was still sound asleep.

It was quite early but you thought might aswell finnish Phils house while you had the chance.
So putting on new cloths you slipped out of the room carefully as to not make any noise that may wake up the other residents.
You put on your winter cloak and went outside.

One hour of labour later..

The roof was finnaly finished. It matched the the winter cabin theme that you were going for and you were quite proud of your work. It was just after nine in the morning so you should make breakfast for the others and lit a fire because of how cold it is.

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