13. Execution

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Irene had woken up but not in the way she would normally wake up. She was pulled by her wrists where the cuffs were and she fell into the water with a splash. She tried to breath but couldn't she choked on water as she tried to swim to the surface. She had forgotten she was cuffed so swimming had suddenly became a challenge. The girl resurfaced. Clinging onto the support beam on the docks catching her breathe. The fox hybrid and the goat helped her up then she curled over and started coughing up water.
It wasn't much but it felt like galleons stuck in her lungs.

When she finnally stopped the fox hybrid was starting to look concerned. But then was snapped out of it when Quackity cleared his throat.

''Are you done yet?'' He asked ''how pathetic are you? Can you seriously not swim.'' He laughed.

Irene was kneeling down then muttered something.
'' like to see you try with tight cuffs on..''

The fox tried his best not to laugh but the goat just had no filter. Ranboo smiled a bit. Quackity was just getting more annoyed.

''Come on. Move.'' He yelled as he picked up Irene harshly. Techno was trying his best to refrain himself. It worked a bit. But Irene could see right through that pig mask of his. She just smiled sadly as she walked past to witch Techno soon followed them.

Once they got to the centre of town, there was a small stage with many seats infront of it. Their was also a cage with an anvil over it.

''You actually got him..'' a fermilar voice boomed through Irene's head she whiped her head around to see Phil.. his wing looked injured. It was clearly beaten up compared to the other one. His window was completely shattered too.

''PHILL!?'' Techno yelled'' Phill What did they do to you!?'' He screamed.

''They Put me on house arrest! I can't leave my home!'' Sure enough the door was blocked along with all the exits.

''Technoblade.'' The goat began. ''This isn't a trial. This is an execution.'' He confessed.

Irene's heart sunk. She was completely taken back by his statement. She was scared for Techno who showed no emotion. Irene could tell he was surprised but yet he didn't break. Irene didn't even notice but the fox hybrid now had her chains.

''Sorry about this..'' He said.

Irene didn't dare say a word. She knew if she did she would break and she couldn't risk that.
''My names Fundy.. in case you wanted to know..'' Fundy said shyly.
Irene remembered that name.

''Hm.. so your the fox Wilbur spoke so fondly of.'' Irene spoke sounding a little out of it. I'm pretty sure she didn't mean to say that out loud. Fundy froze.
''When I met him he wouldn't stop gushing about you.'' Irene forced a sad smile as Fundy lead her to and empty house still under construction.

Once Fundy left she immediately started looking around for something, anything to help her and Techno. She seen a small hammer on the ground beside her.
That could work!

Irene twisted her body and kicked the hammer closer to her. She then took it in her mouth and tried to hammer her chains open. Of couse she missed many times causing bruising to form on her hands. Then one hand was free.
Yess! Ouch but Yess!

She then turned to the other hand. She could still see the bruises that will form but that doesn't matter now. She went to the window to see Tubbo making a speech while Techno was in a cage. She silently opened the door when a man with a white hoodie and netherite armour began attacking the group.

This is your chance.

You ran out of the house when your eyes met Techno's.

''PULL THE LEVER!?'' Tubbo yelled

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