14. dead?

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Tommy had never felt so bad. I mean.. he doesnt usually but in this case he never felt worse.
Usually Techno would have told him to
'Get out ' or 'leave ' or 'leave me alone ' but no not even a single word. He was silent he just sat there beside the girl laying still on the couch.

Tommy let go of Techno. He was quiet. He didn't want to say anything just in case Techno lashed out at him. Which is totally something he would do. Tommy just quietly lit the fire opposite the couch and sat back down beside Techno.

Techno was silent. His head hung low as he knelt beside Irene. She was still and quiet. The only sign that showed she was still alive was her breaths. They were sharp, quiet and shallow. Honestly it was difficult to tell if she was even breathing half the time.

Techno was... annoyed, angry, distraught and Tommy was caught in the middle of his anger. Techno needed Phil. He could help Irene. He could help her, but he needed weapons. And a place for Phil to stay. Irene took up the spare room and Tommy had his own room that he made beneath my house so Phil needed a place to stay.

Techno hadn't slept in days. He was tired the whole time and his hair was a right mess. Irene had usually done it for him but now he never had time to fix it. It was just in a messy knotted brade the whole time.

Techno was brewing some invisibility potions,

''Techno? What are those potions for?'' Tommy asked bitting into a gapple.

''I am going to get my stuff back. You. Are staying here.'' Techno replied

''What! Oh come on! Let me come! Please!'' Tommy pleaded.

''No. You stay here.''

''Please! It's so boring here! All you do is either work or stay beside that woman!''

''If you don't like it you can leave!'' Techno yelled. He did mean to yell. Tommy looked at the ground. After a few minutes of silence Techno sighed.

''Fine. You can come.''
Tommy's eyes sparkled brightly as he ran through the house.

''THANK YOU BLADE!'' He screamed back at Techno while running down to his 'room' in his basement.

While the potions were brewing Techno went to his room. Irene lay unconscious on the bed. She hasn't woken up yet. He should have never gotten involved. He should have just stayed with her.
He walked over to her and kissed her forhead. Before standing back up straight.

Sometimes he wanders if she would even want him anymore. He caused this. Its his fault why would she want him? If she woke up and wanted to leave and never come back he wouldn't be surprised.

He then left the room and went downstairs. There, he seen Tommy by the door. He was figeting with a golden apple by the door.

''Can we go now!'' Tommy asks loudly I nod as he jumps up then runs out the door.

A few hours later...

My eyes fluttered open. My chest hurt like hell. Same with my wings. I went to move but I couldn't, more pain just shot through my body. I winced in pain and decided moving isn't the best option.
I look around the room. It's my room.. Wait. What happened again?

Right the execution. And the anvil.. Techno! Where is he? He must be with Phil right? Right.
I try to relax but the pain on my body just made it worse.
I look out the window. The sun pears though the window. It is early.. not even midday.. did they have him?
How long was I out...

Even later in the day~

We got Phil. We rescued him from L'Manburg. We are now heading through the portal to the Tundra. Tommy kept complaining, asking when I was gonna help him get his discs. I told him soon but he just complained. We exited the portal and was got with a cold wave of wind and snow. Another blizzard. Usually I wouldn't mind the blizzards, me and Irene would just be stuck inside all day and I enjoyed our time together. But now, it ment I was stuck inside. With Tommy. Irene hasn't woken up yet. I haven't even talked to Phil about it.

''Hey mate?''

''Yeah Phil.''

''How's Irene.. is she alright?'' I tensed at the question. I just ignored his question and kept walking. Phil now was more worried than before.

''Mate. What happend.'' He demanded to know. I couldn't blame him though. He liked Irene. She was like a daughter to him. And he was like a father to her.

''Irene? Is that the sleeping woman in the room upstairs?'' Tommy boomed into the conversation.

''What do you mean sleeping?'' Phil asked Tommy. I didn't want to think of her.. not while she was like. . . that. Unconscious not moving. Wing all bandaged up along with her chest. I couldn't handle it. And the voices made it worse.

''I've been with Techno for three weeks and she won't wake up.'' Tommy said quietly to Phil. Tommy's knows how much she means to Techno. When he first seen her, Techno was crying over her body. Techno never cried. Not even when Wilbur died and honestly Tommy wouldn't be surprised if he didn't cry at his funeral.

Phil was silent. He didn't bother asking anymore questions as they neared the house. Techno opened the door to the cabin. The fire had just gone out. Phil entered the house as Tommy zomed past them and ran downstairs.

''Phil.. can you check on her.. I just wanna be sure she's OK..'' Techno asked. Phil knew he wasn't the best at bandaging people so he agreed.
''Sure mate. Where is she?''

Techno lead Phil upstairs. He opened the door to his room. Irene lay silent on the bed. The only indication she lived was her chest moving up and down. Her wings cradled her as if acting like a blanket.
That's not how Techno left her...

Techno was silent. Phil walked over to her.

''Do you want me to change her bandages?'' Phil asked him. Techno nodded taking a seat beside Irene and handed Phil the bandages from the bedside table.

When he was done Phil left downstairs, probably to make dinner while Techno stayed with Irene.

Irene's eyes fluttered open. The pain in her chest and wing was still prominent. She looked around the room. She was still in bed. The moon was beginning to rise. It was also snowing. Irene always liked snow.
She tore her eyes away from the window and turned to her left. Techno. He was slumped over in a chair. Head in his hand while the other hand held onto Irene's.
Irene gently squeezed his hand.

The piglin looked up almost instantly. His eyes widened seeing Irene awake.

''Morning Love.. what did I miss?''

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