11. Back from L'Manburg

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Irene left early on the day. She left some healing potions for Tubbo and left some strength swiftness and invisibility potions behind too.

When she got home she collapsed on her bed. She was still so energetic from seeing Techno.
Irene put the jewellery in her ender chest so they don't get lost or broken.

About a month later...

It was the sixteenth. And Irene had a bad feeling she couldn't shake all day. She felt like something bad was going to happen.. she just couldn't think of what. She fed the pets and then stayed inside for the rest of the day. She was on edge for some reason.
Her mind went to Techno,
What if something happened
What if he needs help?

Irene couldn't help but worry all day so she decided to write to Techno, but then she realised she hadn't gotten a letter from him today...
Now that was something to worry about. She quickly wrote a note to Techno and sent it via, crow.

She was panicking slightly. She tried to convince herself otherwise but it didn't help. By the end of it all she found herself experimenting with potions. She had made a cure for the Withering effect so what about one that works even better?
Irene was brewing health potions, regeneration potions, Withering resistance potions the lot.

It was nearing the night.. around seven maybe eight when their was a knock on the door.
Irene was in full on panic mode. She tried to be silent but she knocked over a harming potion and of course it just had to hurt her.

Irene winced in pain then grabbed a netherite sword from the wall and walked towards it.

Irene opened the door to show a giant piglin with a skull mask and a red cape weapons littered his belt and a trident and an axe were straped to the back.

''T-TECHNO?! My God you scared me!'' Irene yelled at him.

''Sorry Love.. can I come in?'' He asked politely.

''Of course you can. You live here too you know.'' Irene smiled then she noticed something. He was bleeding! In fact he was covered in blood! Irene panicked again. She ran downstairs and grabbed a few health and regeneration potions and ran back up.

''Love? What are you-''

''Sit down you bleeding!?'' Irene raised her voice slightly, worried was written all over her face as she set the potions down on the dinning table.

''Love don't worry it's not mine.'' Techno said laughing slightly. Irene just looked at him and pointed at the chair.

''Sit.'' Irene demanded.
Techno did as he was asked after taking off his weapons.

''Your hot when your mad.''
Irene's face reddened as she began to look for wounds or any sign of injury.

Techno had taken off his bloody shirt to reveal one or two sword wounds. They weren't deep but wounds none the less.
''.. its not my blood he said..'' She muttered to herself.
But something was wrong about them. A black chalky substance was on them.. Withering.

''You spawned Withers. Didn't you.'' Irene sighed. Techno was a little surprised by this.

''How did you..'' His voice faded and just looked at the girl tending to his wounds.

''Wait here. I need to get something.'' Irene kissed Techno's forehead and retreated downstairs. When Irene resurfaced she had a turquoise coloured potion in her hands.

''What's that?'' Techno had never seen that potion before.

''Wither resistance potion I made it myself.'' Irene smiled at the piglin.

''I never knew their was a potion for that.''

''I came up with it myself.. I get very bored without you'' Irene smiled at Techno he eyed the potion.

''But I don't have the Withering effect?'' Irene looked at him then at his wounds.

''See that black chalky substance?'' Techno nodded
''That is Withering either you clean the wound thoroughly to get it all out or you drink this.''

''Does it taste bad?''
Irene took off the pig mask he was wearing and put it on the counter.

''A little but it's better than being in pain while I clean your wound for 20 minutes.''

''20 Minutes!?'' Techno exclaimed

''Well I'd have to be sure! I don't want you Withering away.'' Irene replied calmly giving him the potion. Techno chugs the potion and slams the empty glass on the table.
''Your right.. it tastes like shit..'' Irene scoffs and continues to tend to Technos wounds.

''There done!'' Irene stands up and looks down at her work. Techno stands up too.

''I'll put away my stuff.''

''No no no. You are injured. I'll take care of it babe!'' Irene then walks past Techno and takes some weapons.

''Careful their heavy Love''

''I can handle it.'' Irene then proceeds to lift everything and begins to put them away.

''Sometimes I forget how strong you are..'' Irene giggles sightly while putting away the Orphan Obliteratear.

Techno goes to his room to rest while Irene puts away the weapons. Their isn't a place for the trident so Irene decides to put it in their room.

Irene walks into the room and puts the trident beside the door. Techno was sitting on the side of their bed. Not doing anything just.. thinking..
'The voices must be at him..' Irene thought to herself as she walked over.

Irene climbs into bed and wraps her arms around Techno from behind. Who is snapped out of his thoughts.
''You alright? I ment to ask you what happened.. but you don't have to tell me yet. We could always talk about it later if you want.''
Techno just nods. Somethings up.

''Can I brade your hair?''
Techno looks up at the ceiling then back at his hands.

''Sure love.'' His voice was deeper than expected. Just when you thought it couldn't get lower.

Irene brushed her hands through technos hair. His hair was soft, a little dirty but he has been living in a cave for the past few months so it is to be expected. Irene seperated the hair into three parts then began to cross them over each other. She was gentle and worked slowly Irene tied off the brade but Techno was seemingly asleep. How does he do that? Sleep while sitting up and no support?

Irene gently guided him back to his pillow, then threw the blanket over him. Irene climbed under the covers and snuggled up to Technos arm.

She missed this.
She missed him.

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