16| Ready? Hell yeah

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[Third person pov]

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[Third person pov]

Su-hyeok took over after that, "check. Cheong-san, do you hear us? It's su-hyeok. We'll come to you so stay put. Got it? I know what you'll say, but we can't hear you from here. So don't go anywhere. Wait for us. You really can't go anywhere, okay? We'll come now."

Nam-ra gave the okay and Dae-su sniffed and said let's get out of here (it's his fault 😹). "The smell of poop makes me wanna barf." He gagged."It's yours" wu-jin rolled his eyes.

"It's not just mines."

"Yes it is"



Na-yeon looked as if she wanted to say something (to someone 😼) through the microphone but in the in she decided against it.

"cheong-san.. Please stay still. I know you never listen to me, but listen this time." On-jo pleaded before it was time to play the CD. It was silent for a little bit causing doubts but then it started with 'time for meditation.' And soothing affirmations started to play.

"Turn off the right and middle speakers" on-jo said.
Nam-ra switched everything. Wu-Jin went to the went to the window and joon-yeong went door to see if their theory took place or not. "It sounds distant" wu-jin told everyone else. "Yeah, I only hear it from the left." Joon-yeong agreed.

"They're really going to the speakers" wu-jin said in disbelief. They watched as the zombies run to the speakers that were on. "We should probably go now, yeah?" Nyree asked."Probably" Gyeongsu confirmed.

They looked at each other. "You ready?" He asked. "Hell yeah, don't get bit" She snorted. "Promise" he put out his pinky. "You're so childish" she laughed as they locked pinkies and it was time to go. She adjusted her bag one more time before everyone walked to the door.

"Wait a minute!" Su-hyeok said."What? Why?" Dae-su asked confused. "There's one more!" He whisper-shouted. From the hallway a slow clanking could be heard. "What?" Dae-su asked before tearing a paper off the window of the door to look at the incoming zombie. The others watching in silence due to fear of exposing their position to the zombie.

The zombie lingered for a little bit like it smelt them in the room but ended up turning away and making its way to the speaker with his other zombie friends. "I'm really going now" Dae-su whispered. Everyone agreed and was told to walk slowly. Gyeongsu and Nyree ended up behind joon-yeong.

The door was opened quietly but swiftly. Dae-su and wu-jin must've seen something because they came right back into the room with frightened expressions. "Close it" Dae-su urged to wu-jin who complied just as fast. "Fuck! I could've been killed! Asshole you said it was clear" Dae-su chided at su-hyeok frantically.

"What? Why?!" He responded. "There is still one left!" Dae-su muttered still frightened from almost getting caught. Su-hyeok went to look again and saw the zombie that was hitting it's head against the wall. Nyree got a boost from Gyeongsu with the help of Na-yeon and looked as well. "How the hell did you miss that?" She asked.

They got down from looking out the window of the room and su-hyeok asked what they should do. They started asking what was wrong with him while Nyree looked around the room for something that could distract him. There was no way in hell would she be using HER mp3 player to play music.

She couldn't find anything so she just decided to take her knife out and stab him if he posed a higher threat. Su-hyeok let them know that they couldn't wait any longer. "Take the others and walk past him as carefully as possible. I'll see what I can do from behind." he said. After that Dae-su took a deep breath in and su-hyeok made eye contact with Nam-ra before going to the back.

"We can always stab him" Nyree pointed out, knife ready in hand. Gyeongsu shrugged and said why not. "Sure" Su-hyeok agreed. Gyeongsu clung onto Nyree's arm as they started inching outside the room. Everything was going well until joon-yeong dropped the metal thing he had in his hand. All movement stopped but it was already too late. "Run!" Su-hyeok shouted as the zombie started chasing them.

Joon-yeong tripped and su-hyeok had to hold the zombie off. Nyree and Gyeongsu were behind them and help him. Gyeongsu pulled the zombie off of him and Nyree stabbed the zombie dead. They threw his body before helping joon-yeong up and running up the steps with the rest.

Nam-ra stood at the steps looking for the people who truly mattered to her. She was relieved when she saw them scrambling up the steps. Joon-yeong ran past her and went in the direction the others went in. Su-hyeok grabbed her and and pulled her up the steps as soon as they arrived.

By the time Nyree and Gyeongsu got up all the stairs the were heaving and had beads of sweat building. "I swear those damn stairs will kill me before the zombies" Gyeongsu coughed out to which Nyree nodded trying to gather spit to hydrate her already dry mouth. "Definitely got my exercise in for the day."


Lol still not that much romance but it's coming guys 😽. How the hell am I gonna pull off gwi-nam still turning Nam-ra into a hambie? Idk! 😹

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