01 | science teacher

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[third person pov]<present day>

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[third person pov]
<present day>

Gyeongsu was sitting next to Nyree while stroking her hair. This was a daily thing. While he was talking to his friends, she was either listening to music on her mp3 player or doing work that was due later that day.

Nyree sat up and slid her headphones off her ears and let them rest on her neck causing Gyeongsu to reposition his arm on her shoulder now that she was up. He bumped shoulders with her making her look at him with a smile already forming without her knowledge. (She down bad yall he ain't even say nun yet..) Before he could get the chance to say anything na-yeon came in and screamed for him to get out of her seat.

"Get out of my seat! Your gross" she said with a look of distaste.

"What the fuck do you mean by that Na-yeon!?" Nyree said, instantly pissed off.

"Mind your business orphan" she said rolling her eyes.

Just as Nyree was about to stand up and say something else, Gyeongsu covered her mouth then stood up and pushed her shoulders down before he apologized and asked what the big deal was while wiping the chair off.

Na-yeon snatched her bag off the table before she said, "Stop that! Your dirty." This time he couldn't hold Nyree down and she instantly gripped up na-yeon's uniform up.

"Say it again" she threatened. A moment passed and she didn't speak up so Nyree let her go with a push before taking wipes out of her hoodie pocket and wiping her hands off. "That's what I thought" she rolled her eyes before lazily sitting back in her chair.

The alarm chimes and Ms.park walks in telling everyone to sit down. Nyree waved bye to Gyeongsu even though he would only be a row over and he ruffled her hair before he sat down at his seat. After Ms.park greeted them it was time to hand it phones.

Nyree handed in her phone and hid her mp3 player before Ms.park consficated it like last time she saw it.
"Who's in touch with Hyeon-ju?" She asked, "nobody? So none of you have tried calling her today?"

Oh Joon-yeong cleared his throat before saying, "Uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven't seen her since."

She sighed disappointedly before telling everyone to tell her if they hear from her these days and that Exams start next week, so get their act together.


"She was absolutely correct. A hundred percent." Su-hyeok said completely lost. Nyree laughed along with her classmates. The laughter was cut short when someone came in the the class.

Hyeon-ju came in sweaty with blood all over her face and collapsed. Everyone got up and crowded around her worried. Ms.park hurriedly grabbed her and sat on the floor with hyeon-ju in her arms. 'This is not gonna end well' Nyree thought.

"Ms. Park." She said disoriented. "Yeah, it's me. Do you recognize me?" ms.park responded hastily. "He grabbed me... The science teacher grabbed me and locked me up." She was breathing irrationally.

Nyree stepped back in shock. Ms.park tried to comfort hyeon-ju and told Nam-ra to make sure everyone was studying. She told them not to spread anything before it was confirmed and su-hyeok carried her on his back to the nurse.

Gyeongsu brought Nyree over to where him and his friends and she sat next to Nam-ra while they engaged in conversation about what just happened. "What do you think happened Nam-ra?" Nyree asked curiously.
"I don't know. She looked pretty bad" She said putting the end of her pen in her mouth thinking.

I-sak came back and everyone wanted the details about what just happened. She told them that hyeon-ju was making movements to bite people. "She couldn't be a zombie, right?" Nyree asked completely convinced. Gyeongsu plucked her on the forehead and laughed. She rubbed her forehead until she heard that she smelt like something dead just like the science teacher. "This is too weird" she muttered before going back to sitting next to Nam-ra and laying her head on her shoulder.

"Look... She's just been sitting there studying." I-sak made a gesture toward Nam-ra. "It's almost like we're still at school" Nyree laughed making Nam-ra smile,  before calling Gyeongsu over so he can copy the work he missed and pulling out her book to study as well.

Soon it was time for lunch. Gyeongsu and Nyree decided that it would be smart to race to the cafeteria needless to say they got in trouble and got a detention. "It's all your fault" Nyree pushed him and went to line up for lunch.

Nyree was making her way back to the classroom after she left lunch earlier when she ran into on-jo and cheong-san well they ran into her. She rubbed her arm and slid off her headphones. When she noticed they were running from something she started running as well. Why they were running? She didn't know. Don't ask questions when people just start running out of nowhere.

They started banging on the classroom door frantically trying to get to safety. "What the fuck is going on?!" She asked cluelessly.



Well I don't know if this is too slow or not but oh well. Tell me if anyone reads this. Also tell me if it seem repetitive!

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