02| Train to Busan

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[Third person pov]

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[Third person pov]

She went straight to the window to see the situation outside after checking if Gyeongsu was injured in anyway. After seeing someone impaled with garden scissors and still being able to run and chase people she was convinced. She pinched herself to make sure this was reality before convincing herself that Nam-ra was okay then making her way over to Gyeongsu at the door and sliding down the wall trying to process that her dad wasn't crazy.

When cheong-san brought the boys over to the window to prove that the school has been turned into Train to Busan. A hand smacked the window and slid it open. Su-hyeok climbed through the window before yelling to someone to hurry. He pulled Nam-ra into the room before falling in the ground exhausted. Nyree hurriedly checked for any injuries on Nam-ra before hugging her.

Nyree went straight to her desk to grab her bag. She pulled out a first aid kit, a water filter, a portable charger, a lot of other specifics for emergencies, finally her keychain that had pepper spray, and a very sharp pocket knife. After a bang was heard she looked up from her bag and she was greeted with a zombie acting crazy on the window of the classroom with joon-young sliding down the wall. Nyree had to cover her mouth so she ain't burst out laughing.

"We should try looking for a phone and calling the cops." Cheong-san suggested. Nyree didn't look with them instead she went to help Gyeongsu with holding the door. After searching for a little bit I-sak found a phone in someone's bag but nobody knew that password. Cheong-san saw her zombified and held her phone up to her snarling face but obviously it didn't work. On-jo let him know that you didn't need to unlock it to call the police.

Despite what happened Nyree wasn't scared. Not really, just alarmed. Maybe it was thanks to her dad that she was so prepared and ready to face anything. As long as the people she loved stayed alive she can keep calm.

Cheong-san hurriedly started calling the cops. "Don't say that there's zombies running around or anything like that. They're gonna think we're pranking them." she explained, afterwards shaking her head because she knew he wasn't listening. He shushed her and went to explain what was happening here, when he mentioned zombies Nyree threw her hands up in the air in exasperation.The operator heard zombies and believed it was a prank.

"He told us to stay safe and not to get bit" Cheong-san said. Nyree shook her head. Of course they won't believe it. If Nyree was the operator she probably believe they were joking as well.

A scream rung out and the zombies that were waiting outside ran down the hall way. For some reason Gyeongsu and Nyree thought it would be smart to open the door to look where they went. Su-hyeok pulled Gyeongsu and Gyeongsu grabbed Nyree.

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