13 | Drones, Cheong-san, and Gwi-nam?

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[Third person pov]

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[Third person pov]

"You think if I fell from this rope, I would die?" Gyeongsu asked laughing nervously."Hmm probably not to be honest you'd probably break stuff the get eaten to death by the zombies" Nyree answered while urging him to go in to the science room. Gyeongsu helped her in after he got his legs to stop shaking. On-jo was the last to come and joon-yeong helped her in.

"The drone and the bag are over there" joon-yeong pointed out to on-jo grabbing the backpack that was near the table. Nyree was about to scream when she saw the mice on the floor but Gyeongsu covered her mouth. "Isn't affected by a zombie apocalypse but is scared of mice" He rolled his eyes playfully. "Shut up" she responded embarrassed after she got his hand off by biting it.

"stop flirting and come help me find the battery" joon-yeong said as he was crouching looking for it. Before they could start making excuses a mouse tried climbing up Gyeongsu pants causing him to let out a high pitched squeal. Nyree shushed him and went to go help look for the battery while he sheepishly went and helped on-jo.

After everything for the drone was found they went back down the rope and into the classroom.

A sticky note containing where we were and that we needed help on the newly finished drone. Everyone sat at the table and Joon-yeong plugged something in the drone causing it to make a noise. "Does it work?" Dae-su asked, "is it working?"

"I think it will" joon-yeong answered as he put the goggles to the drone on. He guided it to fly around the room startling his classmates. Everyone was ducking and dodging before he went to look for cheong-san.

"I'll find cheong-san first then we can go look outside. If I find rescuers outside, I'll land it in front of them." Joon-yeong said. "Wait." Nam-ra said, "they said when people confirm their situation is hopeless, they truly fall into dispair."

"That's a cool saying. But what does that mean?" Dae-su asked."It means even if we only see zombies and nothing else we cannot give up" Nyree spoke. "Mhm. Even if the entire world has turned into zombies, let's not fall into dispair." Nam-ra agreed."I see. So that's what it means?" He asked.

"prez." On-jo called causing Nam-ra to look at her, "it's best to have a plan and act accordingly, but we're not top students or as smart as you. Being logical isn't necessarily being human."

Nyree turned to Gyeongsu to see if he understood what the connection was between what was said. When she saw him shrugging she knew he was just as confused as her. "What the.." Nyree muttered. "We should be logical in situations like this or any crisis." Nam-ra pointed out.

"Right now, we need more hope than logic." She responded. There was a silence. "Hey, I think flying that out is what we need the most right now." Dae-su told on-jo and Nam-ra, "try it"

"Here I go." Joon-yeong notified. Everyone crowded around the drone monitor and watched the footage. So far they'd only seen rooms full of zombies. They went to a window and wu-jin saw an arrow and immediately thought of his sister. Zombies were attracted to the drone and followed the sound.

Through a dark window they managed to see cheong-san and someone else picking up chairs and stuff. "It's cheong-san!" On-jo pointed. "What room is that?" Gyeongsu asked. Su-hyeok tried to scream his name through the screen but joon-yeong told him that the drone didn't have a mic. "Who is that with him?" Nyree asked pointing to the figure close behind him. "Is that gwi-nam?" Na-yeon looked closer to the screen as if trying to confirm it.

"It looks like him now that you say that. How'd you know that fast?" Nyree questioned, thinking about the rumors of them being together she felt like it was possible. Na-yeon began to speak but was cut off by on-jo crying out cheong-san. Gyeongsu squeezed the shoulders of Nyree in relief of seeing on of his best friends again.

"On-jo it's alright now. Cheong-san's alive!" Su-hyeok said as he hugged her. Nyree raised an eyebrow. Then looked at her cousin only to find her looking at them as well. Poor her. Nyree also witnessed the eye contact su-hyeok and Nam-ra made before she turned around.


Now that I'm rewatching.. Why did su-hyeok even hug on-jo? To make Nam-ra jealous? Cause he let go as soon as she turned around or did he do it unconsciously due to happiness of seeing cheong-san? 🤨 I be forgetting about Ms.park.. Let's just act like she observing them or sum 👩🏽‍🦯.

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