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SHUT UP! And listen
'Cause I'm back and I've found my will to live
I'll say I'm sorry but you don't have to forgive
'Cause regardless, I'm moving on
Regardless, to the next big thing
A throne will always await a king





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Previously Featuring...LET IT BURN


" Go out with a bang. Make this a Hitomi Todoroki Performance, Not Arashi."

Hitomi's eyes squinted into the distance, seeing the beginning of a strange purple void form near the plaza fountain.

" Thirteen, protect the kids."

haha. we're in danger.


Below them, people seemed to appear by the hundreds. There had to be, at the least, 80 unrequested and unknown individuals present. The last few to appear was a massive, muscly bird with his brain sticking out of his head. Beside him appeared a young man, no more than 25 years, decapitated, ugly hands lining his arms, torso, neck, and face. It didn't take much to figure they weren't apart of their rescue training. Shoto moved closer to his sister instinctively.

" So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus!" Aizawa's voice was sharp and dangerous, laced with as much venom as possible.

" I can't believe he's not here! And after all the trouble I went through to bring out so many friends. Or, maybe, if I kill a few kids he'll come out and talk." Tomura spoke, loud enough for them all to hear. Aizawa's hair levitated on instinct, his scarf extending around him, almost two times the size he was. Her classmates were frozen stiff, shaking in their boots at the notion of the threat. Hitomi's face hardened into a glare, Shoto's face following suite.

" Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Kirishima asked, sweat trickling beside his temples. This was the first villain attack for most of them and they were only one week into the school-year. The Todoroki Twins glanced over at the Hero.

LET IT BURN, SHE SAID   -   Todoroki's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now