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this story was a short story, every chapter was skipping two years. in the end, we find out that it was simply a layout for a new story that author!michael was writing about soulmate!muke. that is why these were so much shorter than my usual stories.

it was left unsaid that kate was actaully jack's daughter. jack was the fuckbuddy who told luke to send out the tweet looking for michael. it's up to your imagination if jack knows kate is his daughter or not.

if you have any questions, please feel free to comment, i would love to answer them!


thank you to everyone who read this. i appreicate all of your reads. i'm sorry if you were dissapointed with the short chapters, i'm sorry if you didn't like the ending. i liked the way i did it, it was a new technique, i felt like my stories were too simple.

don't forget to check out my other stories, i have a new one coming out next month (probably).

xo xo,


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