10.0 - michael

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10.0 - michael 

Loud knocking was rapidly on Michael’s door. He wasn’t sure if it was the headache in his head or an actual human being. He rolled over, lifting his head and turning over his phone. It was an hour after noon on a Sunday and he really wanted to sleep. 

He laid his head back down as the knocking stopped. 

He was in a dreamy state of mind when the knocking started again. 

Michael swore to himself as he got out of bed, wrapping the navy blue sheets around his shoulders as it lay upon his body. He maneuvered around his apartment, his eyes dragging lower as he felt like passing out. 

He opened the door, a curly haired brunette standing. “Hey, Mike. It’s been a while,” Ashton smiled, letting himself in under Michael’s arms.

“Oh, alright. Hey,” he responded, closing the door and locking it. He furrowed his eyebrows as he followed Ashton into his kitchen. 

“I was going to get you coffee, but I know you don’t like caffeine.” The twenty-six year old made himself at home with his feet on the kitchen table as he sipped at some type of hot drink.

“Not to be rude or anything, but why are you here?” Michael sat down across from him, resting his head on the table. He wasn’t home until four in the morning, and his hangover was still strong as ever. 

“I heard about all the things with Luke, figured you needed a buddy. I caught the first plane to—.”

“What? What happened to Luke?” Michael asked, lifting his head too fast. His eyes felt like they were spinning as he tried to focus on Ashton. 

The brunette took a sip of his beverage, “It’s all over the media. He got knocked up from a one night stand.”

Michael rolled his eyes, “You can't trust what those tabloids say.”

“Your lover boy confirmed it last night.” Ashton wiggled in his tight jeans as he pulled out his phone. He unlocked the screen, heading to Twitter, and pulling up Luke’s page. He handed the retina screen to Michael, letting him see for himself. 

Even though Michael doesn’t know Luke the slightest bit, he felt saddened. The media was giving Luke shit about his life choices, and Mike knew the blonde didn’t deserve that. 

Sometimes Mike the twenty-five year old forgets that he doesn’t actually know Luke. He doesn’t know the way he smells (Dior number 9), or the way he likes to sleep (cuddled into his pillow, one day cuddled into Michael). He doesn’t know how he’s feeling right now (filthy), or what he’s doing (crying in the bathtub and eating frozen yogurt). 

“I don’t know what to say.”

Ashton shrugged his shoulders, “It’s not something to freak about. When you two meet, you’ll just have a cute lil baby with you.”

“What if we don’t? We all know those stories of people who don’t meet their soulmates. I feel like the odds are against me,” Michael sighed. He gave Ashton his phone back as he hid his face behind his hands, closing his dulling green eyes. 

“Soon, Mike, soon.”

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