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“Mr. Clifford?” A pleasant (yet exhausted) female voice asked. 

Michael jolted awake from the plastic hospital chair, almost dropping sleeping six-year-old Kate in the process. His green eyes scanned the room until he came across the nurse silhouette in the doorway. He stretched, “Hey, how’s Luke doing?”

“They just finished the C-section, the baby and Luke are both doing great. We’re going to wheel the two back in in just a few minutes,” she said, a smile upon her lips. 

Michael had a ridiculous grin on his face, “Alright, thank you. I’ll wake up the entourage.”

The nurse left with a smile, her feet padding against the 4 a.m. silence. Michael started to usher the brunette off of his lap. He put his hands on her hips, sliding her off of him. “Dad, no,” she whined, trying to nuzzle herself back into Mike’s neck. 

The thirty-one year old laughed. “Baby, yes. Your daddy is going to come in with your new sister any minute now.”

Kate perked up, her brown eyes bigger than the shining moon outside the window. She jumped off of her [step]father’s lap, her sock-clad feet sliding around the hospital room.

Kate was still in her pastel purple ballerina tutu, and Michael found it the cutest darn thing in the entire world. 

Ashton nuzzled in his sleep, his head flat on his soulmate’s lap. Calum had his hands in Ash’s hair as the two slept. Michael really did not want to wake them up. They were both assholes in the morning—even bigger asshole than Luke.

He looked over at Luke’s mother who got the only comfortable chair in the room. She deserved it, she was the one taking Luke to the hospital. It wasn’t Mike’s fault, he was watching his little girl at their school’s talent show. Baby Hemmings-Clifford just decided to be a few weeks early. 

Mike walked across the room, giving Kate a quick swirl before turning on the lights. 

Ashton was the first to wake up, half of his face was red from laying on Calum’s denim jeans. The curly brunette started to sit up, fixing his tight jeans. He stretched out his arms like a sphinx cat waking up from their slumber. “Where did the princess go?”

“I’m right here!” Kate exclaimed. She jumped into her (not really) uncle’s lap, clutching her arms around his neck. 

Ashton laughed, “I was talking about your Daddy. Glad you’re here though.” He kissed her cheek. 

Cal and Liz opened an eye, realized Luke wasn’t back yet, then closed their eyes again. 

Michael stood next to the door, peaking out into the hallway waiting to see the first glimpse of his lover and first [real] child. 

Kate was practically killing Ashton as she told him all about her week in school. He kept a mellow smile on his face, not wanting to offend the young Hemmings. 

Michael leant his head out of the hospital room as he heard people coming down the hallway. There wasn’t much commotion at the maternity ward at four in the morning.

Luke was being wheeled down the hallway wrapped in a hospital gown with a brown blanket from home wrapped around his shoulders. Grey bags were under his eyes but a smile was still casted on his dry lips as he looked at the living human being bundled—like a burrito—in a striped blanket. 

Michael left the room to stand in the hallway. Luke caught his crying eyes with his own as he got closer to their room. The nurse gave Mike a smile as he continued to help Luke into the room. 

She got him on the bed, holding their new baby girl in her arms. Luke got under the covers once more as he looked around the room, many pairs of eyes staring at him. He gave them a smile, “We still haven’t picked out a name.”

Michael reached out his arms as the nurse instructed him how to hold the newborn. He placed his arms so they were supporting her neck and small body. She moved around in the tight blanket, her eyes peaking open the reveal a hazy blue shade a few times. “Wow,” he whispered. 

Mike made his way back to the uncomfortable plastic chair to the right of Luke. Everyone else was asking questions and making comments, but to Mike and Luke, it was all a blue of silence. “I like Kennedy,” Michael said. “Kate and Kennedy.” He looked up at the other daughter who he often forgets is not actually his child. 

“I love it, and I—

(a/n) next chapter is last but i don't want to publish it yet

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