9.1 - luke

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9.1 - luke

"What the f.uck is this?" The man asked.

Luke opened his eyes, pulling the blanket closer to his chest. "What's what?" He didn't know the other man's name but he had pretty hair. Even in the morning with sex radiating in the warm room, his hair was standing up nicely, the side of it bleached to a brassy yellow.

"This," he repeated, tracing his dark fingers over Luke's rib.

He sat up, looking at the new tattoo on his rib. "I just got a soulmate tattoo, I'm not supposed to get another one for eleven months," he said to no one in particular. Luke looked at the words, they weren't facing him. Where are you, not even a question mark. Nice punctuation, soulmate.

"Your soulmate must be really fucking desperate," the man spoke harshly, laying back in bed and pulling Luke into his side.

The blonde laid his head on his chest, looking at the one large tattoo on his shoulder along with many others on his upper torso. No one knew what his soulmate went through except for Luke. He knows his soulmate is desperate and he's allowed to be. His soulmate hasn't felt love and that's all Luke wants to give him. "Do you think my fans would help me search for him? Someone has gotta know where he is."

"You could try."

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