Chapter 16~ Present Time, The Hospital.

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-Shiloh’s POV- 

“She’s breathing!” I heard someone yell. I heard a beeping then cheering.

Why can’t I open my eyes? I tried to move my legs, my arms, any limb on my body that I could move I couldn’t. What was wrong with me? 

That’s when I heard a familiar, raspy voice. Harry. He sounded worried and faint. “Is she okay?!” 

‘Yes Harry I’m okay! Come take me away to somewhere safe and own my heart again! I forgive you I swear!’ I tried to say to Harry, but I couldn’t. Why can’t I talk? Why can’t I move? Why can’t I open my eyes? 

“She’s fine,” a man’s voice beamed. “She’s in a coma. She’ll wake up any day now.” I heard footsteps. I guessed it was the doctor leaving. 

I felt Harry take my hand as he sat on the bed next to me. My heart started pounding; Harry rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand in little circles, like he always did when something was wrong. He spoke quietly and softly at the same time, “Please Shiloh, you have to make it, I love you too much to lose you. You’re my whole world; I wouldn’t be me if you weren’t here. Please Shiloh you have to make it, for me, please.” I felt Harry’s warm tears hit the back of my hand. I smiled lightly. 

-Harry’s POV- 

I watched as my tears hit the back of her hand. I then looked at her face. Her beautiful face was covered in bruises and cuts. That’s when I saw it. That wonderful smile of hers. That made me happy. Really happy. I knew she could hear and feel me. I bent down and kissed her lips lightly: her lips were still cold. I wanted her to be up. To be in my arms and know that she is truly the one and only one I love. 

-Shiloh’s POV- 

I love Harry. I wish I could tell him. I remember the first time me and Harry had our first kiss. 

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