Chapter 10~ Present Time.

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                                                                             Police Station.

                                                                               8:45 PM.

                                                                               Louis POV


“Okay now Mr. Tomlinson,” Detective Welsh began. “What happened after that?”  

“That’s easy,” I said “Shiloh’s mum called me mum and she came and took me home.”

“And what happened after that?”

“Nothing, I never spoke to Shiloh again until after I met Harry on the X-Factor. But until today I didn’t know that they were the same people.” I paused. “I get it now.”

“What do you get?” Detective Welsh raised a bushy eyebrow at me.

“Why me and Harry get on so well.”

Detective Welsh nodded and walked out of the room, moments later Harry and a teary eyes Shiloh walked in. The room grew heavy and awkward.

“I told you Louis had something to do with this! I told you he hurt Skylar!” Shiloh blurted out.

                                                                     -Shiloh’s POV-

“I told you Louis had something to do with this! I told you he hurt Skylar!” I blurted out once I saw Louis.

I ran right up to Louis and started to punch his chest. I felt harry grab my wrists and pull me off of Louis.

                                                                     -Harry’s POV-

The next thing I know my girlfriend was punching my best mate in the chest repeatedly. I pulled her off of him. It all hit me. Who Louis is and how get on so well. It all makes sense now. 

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