Chapter 14: Present Time, The Lake.

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-Shiloh’s POV- 

As I woke up completely the air smelled familiar. And the scenery was all too familiar. This place brought back good feelings and bad feelings all at the same time. I knew this place all too well. It was the lake. 

I looked around for Harry but he was nowhere in sight. I stood up and walked closer to the lake that’s when I saw Harry. He was on the ground with another girl on top of him. Worst of all they were snogging. 

It hurt. Really bad. It hit certain parts of me that made me want to kill Harry and the girl that was on top of him. 

I froze when I saw them. “How could you? Why would you?” I choked, tears started to form in my eyes. 

Quickly I took his hoodie off and started to run. But Harry was faster than me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. I stopped trying to get away from him as I felt him starring me down as I heard cars driving past us. We were now standing by the road. 

“It’s not what you think Shiloh! She forced herself onto me just seconds before you got there!” Harry pleaded. 

“Then why were you guys on the ground?” 

“She pushed me back!” 

“Whatever Harry!” I turned and started to walk again but I was stopped mid-stride and turned to face Harry. He was still where I had left him. “And Harry,” I called back to him. “You promised me you’d keep my heart safe and protect it forever.” A tear rolled down my cheek.

Harry froze and I saw him tense up. “I tried, I really did; and I will forever only because I love you. I love you so damn much Shiloh. You may not believe me but I do! And you’re the only I can, no, the only one I will EVER love. My life wouldn’t be the same without you.” Harry said quietly, he was obviously holding back tears. 

I bit my bottom lip and wiped my tears away. They were streaming down my face by now. “There are some things in life you can’t protect forever. And I guess I’m one thing you can’t.” I turned to walk away, my tears made my vision blurry. I didn’t wait to hear Harry’s response. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say anymore. 

There were no cars in the street so I took a step forward so I could cross. I heard Harry called after me but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. It was too late anyway. 

-Harry’s POV- 

“Shiloh! Don’t go! Don’t walk! Please there is a car coming!” Why wasn’t she stopping? Did she not hear me? 

Tears started to flow down my cheeks as I heard a bang. Then the sound of a car speeding away. I called for help and ran to Shiloh’s side. Blood was gushing out of her, going everywhere. I was horrified. ‘Shiloh just got hit by a car and the driver of the car speed away.’ Is all that was running through my mind. 

I watched as they put Shiloh into the ambulance. She was unconscious but they said she still had a chance. I reluctantly got in the back of the ambulance and the first thing I heard was one of the paramedics asking me what happened. 

I told them the whole story and everything I saw. 

And the worst part about it is I know who did it. 


A little twist!!!!! I bet no one saw this coming!!!! Please Let Me Know What You Think!!!!! 

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