Chapter 7~ 14 Years Earlier, Camp

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-Louis’ POV- 

There she was. The girl causing the scene. At this camp I was known as the sass master, but I think I just found the sass master a queen. I smirked to myself and walked over to the big crowd. After a couple minutes the crowd faded. 

“Nice job,” I walked up to her with a big grin on my face. 

She laughed, “Thank you.” Her laugh slowly faded. “I’m Skylar but you can call me Sky. Her eyes sparkled in the sun. 

“I’m Louis.” 

Skylar stuck her hand out for me to shake and as soon as I went to shake her hand she pulled it away and laughed, “Gotcha!” she squealed while she was still laughing. 

I laughed with her. 

-Later That Day- 

Skylar and I were sat by the lake, we were both in our swimming cloths. 

“Let’s play a game,” Skylar turned to me with a smirk on her face. 

“And what game would this be?” I faced her as well. 

“Let’s take a couple of steps back and for everything that we have in common we take a step back, and for everything I say that we don’t have in common I take a step forward; for everything you say that we don’t have in common then you have to take a step forward,” she paused. “Get it so far, because I’m not explaining it again!” 

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Good, now whoever ends up closets to the lake first must get pushed in by the other.” She finished with a huge grin on her face. 

A big smile grew on my face. “Let’s play.” 

We both stood up and took a couple of steps back. 


Hey! Just so you know it’s the lake at the camp! This is before Skylar goes missing! Who do you think will get pushed in?!!? Let me know!!!! 

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