chapter 3: Match

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Welcome to chapter 3!

Start of recap...

Harry, Y/N, Hermione and the young Weasleys crash to the ground with a thump. Arthur, Sirius, Amos and Cedric come down more gracefully.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?" Says Arthur as he lands. Cedric helps Harry to his feet."Thanks" They walk across the field and we see there's a massive crowd gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Everyone is amazed especially the kids. Sirius is all smiliey Y/N has never seen him like this unless he's with Remus.

They walk into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. They approach a small tent and another next to it.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

"Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match" he said as Amos and Cedric separate and walk off.

Cedric smiles at Harry as he walks pass the boule. "See ya later Cedric" Yells Harry. "Home sweet home" Mr Weasley the opens the flap of the tent and let's the others wlak in first.

Harry turns to Sirius and Y/N. "What about your tent?" He asked making Y/N point to the one next to theirs. "This one" she said before walking in with Sirius behind her.

Inside Sirius and Y/N tent...

"Wow its amazing" Yells Y/N as she runs around the tent making Sirius smile at his Daughter. "Yep this has been the Black Family's quidditch tent for years" he said mentioning his family.

Sirius stood looking around the tent before running to his room to unpack. It will be weird woth just them but they will have fun and tell Remus all about it after.

Time skip...

It is now night and time for the match to begin. large stadium which seems to have a huge number of floors the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione all walk ahead of Y/N and Sirius to trail behind.

But Hermione and Y/N stand close together as they walk. Sirius looks powerful at them knowing something is up, so he looks closely at the two and sees their hands.

'Fuxking he'll! They're holding hands oh my god!!' He squeals excitedly in his head so proud of his Daughter following his footsteps.

"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Yells Ron making Sirius look up and focus on walking and not tripping up.

Lucius Malfoy and Draco are walking below them. "Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know" Says the blonde bimbo.

Draco smirks at them "Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." He boasted not that they care though.

"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can" he said a sinister tone in his words. "I feel like something bad is going to happen" mutters Y/N to Hermione who also got a bad feeling.

The ceremonies begin. Balloons fly and fireworks go off. "Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." He said as everyone took their seat. "Wow so cool" Exclaimed Y/N as she looked from where they were standing

"It's the Irish!" Exclaims Fred, Five green and white figures fly through the air on their brooms leaving a colored trail behind them. A glittering leprechaun appears in the sky and starts dancing. Everyone is excited.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" Yells Fred. Five red figures this time, one of them performs a stunt on his broom. One of them appears on the large screen.

The crowd begins to chant 'Krum, Krum, Krum'. "Krum!!!" "Yes!" Viktor Krum waves to the crowd. As this happens Y/N rolls her eyes "its just a match" she said trying to get everyone to calm down but really she was a Obsessed at her Dad's are woth Quidditch.

"Good evening! It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!" More cheers and the match finally begins Y/N watched Hermione as she see show happy her Girlfriend is.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 730

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