Chapter 23: Pissed off Hermione

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Welcome to chapter 23! So sorry for the wait I hope you like this chapter!

Start of recap...

"I'm sorry I wish I asked you sooner but was so scared if you rejected me" voices Y/N, at her words Hermione pulls away and sits up.

"I could never reject you N/N"she said softly, the H/C girls smiles. "Really?" "Really" suddenly the silence is ruined by the sound if students waking up.

"Oh no, we better go for breakfast!" Yells Mione, jumping up and grabbing Y/Ns hand, the two girls run to breakfast hand in hand happy to be together.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Later that same day the group of four find themselves in the great hall studying, Harry and Ron sit together, opposite them are Hermione and Y/N.

The four where supposed to be doing some work for class, well only Hermione was, Y/N was sketching people on her parchment, Harry and Ron were complaining.

"This is mad. At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates" Grummbled the ginger, Snape walks past and slaps Ron over the head.

Which causes Y/N to snicker at the boy making Ron glare at her. "Well, us and Neville!" He then mutters under his breath "But then again he can take himself." Him and Harry snicker.

Hermione sighs and leans over the table "It might interest you to know that Nevilles already got someone." She semi whispers to them, Ron gasps.

He slumps in his chair "Now I'm really depressed." He mutters, Y/N shakes her head at the boy. Fred then whistles over to the four and throws a note at Ron.

Ron glares at his brother before opening it, the note read. "GET A MOVE ON OR ALL THE GOOD ONES WILL HAVE GONE" Ron throws the note back glaring. "Who are you taking then?" He asks thr older teen.

Fred then throws a ball to Angelina Johnson. She looks at the red head.

Fred makes a show of pointing at her then at him mouthing. "Wanna go to the ball with me?" Angelina smiles and nods her head.

Fred then winks at Ron who grumbles again, he then looks at Hermione. Y/N could tell where it was going but wanted to see the outcome.

Ron stuffles around before speaking, Harry and Y/N share a secret look between each other. "Well Hermione you're a girl" he starts of, Hermione doesn't look up from her book.

"Oh well spotted" Ron shrugs his shoulders, Hermione looks up at the red head. "Come on. It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad" he continues.

Harry frantically begins to slap Ron and pull on his best friends shirt to get him go shut up. "Wanna go with one of us?"He asks, Harry gives up and smacks his face with his hands.

On the otherside of the table Y/Ns mouth is open in shock. Of course he would ask if she was going alone, Ron does tend to forget she was dating Y/N, to blinded by his crush of the curly haired girl.

Hermione slams her book shut making the trio jump, she then looks up at the boy a glare om her pretty face.

She stands from her seat on the bench."I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me-" she picks up her parchment walks over to Professor Snape and hands it to him.

Y/N watches as her girlfriend storms back over and geabs her books. Leaving close she hisses venomously. "-and I said yes" before storming off out of the hall.

Ron stares in shock as the girl leaves the hall, Y/N is trying not to laugh, she knew how it would play out. "Bloody hell" mutters Ron.

He then turns to Harry and lowers his voice. "Look. We've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners. Agreed?" He tells Harry.

The green eyes boy nods his head. "Agreed." Y/N shakes her head and continues on her sketch of Hermione she was doing before the conversation turned sour.

Later that day Y/N eventually manages to locate her girlfriend, Of course the library would be the place Hermione would be.

And of course the last place she would think to look, much like her Papa Y/N doesn't like reading, only if it was something she was interested in.

But of course she had to fall in love with a bookworm like her Papa did. When she left the hall Y/N was worried, she probably should of stopped Ron and his stupid mouth.

After looking through the main isles Y/N found Hermione, the Gryffindor 4th year was sat by a window at the back of the Library tucked out of the way abd not easily seen by others.

The H/C girl smiles and walks towards her girlfriend, Hermione hadn't noticed her yeah, smirking Y/N leant against the table.

"Hey they cutie, can here often?" She asks, trying hard not to laugh as Hermione looks up confusion on her face before giggling when she saw Y/N.

"Of course it was you N/N" she giggles, blushing at being caught unaware. Y/N only laughs and slides into the unoccupied chair next to Mione.

"Watcha doing?" She asks the brown eyes girl, blushing again Hermione showed the cover of the book to Y/N.

"I'm searching for different ways to help you and Harry to breath underwater for the third task, it's not far away now you realise" she rambles as Y/N smiles at her girlfriend.

'I love her so much' she leans forward and kisses the still rambling girls cheek earning a darker blush. "Thank you Mione" she whispers, Hermione stops talking and smiles.

"Of course" she then turns back go her research, Y/N pulled out her bag and leant her head on it, planning to take a nap while Hermione researched.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter! I will update soon.

Word coun t: 1040

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