Chapter 13: Rita Skeeter

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Welcome to chapter 13!

Start of recap...

"Are you two okay" Asks Sirius as he wraps an arm around Harry, Y/N turns her head to him and tries to not cry (which is what's she's been doing since she found out about the tournament)

"I don't know Papa" she whispers while Harry shrugs. Sirius and Remus look at each other before pulling both kids in again for a big group hug. "Don't you two worry we will get through this" Says Remus looking at Harry and Y/N.

The two 14 year old nod their heads they will get through this together know matter what.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

When Y/N got back to her dorm room she got glares of the other girls who were annoyed that she ans Harry were also picked as Champions like Cedric.

The Werewolf sighs and looks at her girlfriends bed, Hermione had her curtains closed but she knew she was awake and reading a book. So once the other girls were asleep Y/N crept out of her bed and over to Hermiones.

Her girlfriend was awake and reading a book she was waiting for Y/N to go over to her bed. She saw the look on her girlfriends face and held out her arms and the Werewolf jumped into them.

Hermione hugged dher tightly and stroked her hair not saying anything, she just comforted her scared and sad girlfriend.

For the rest of the night Y/N cuddled up in Hermiones arms while the girl reqd put loud to her like the Werewolfs Dad used to when she was sad.

Y/N managed to fall asleep.

Next day...

A woman appears in a puff of smoke. She's well groomed and dressed colorfully. "What a charismatic quintet Hello!"  She says in a sickening voice making Y/N groan and Harry wince.

The five tri-wizard champions are stood together in a group. She walks over to them and shakes each of their hands, Y/N reluctantly let sher before whiping her hand on Harry's robes making her Godbrother glare at her.

"I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the daily prophet. But of course you know that don't you." She says the champions just look at the lady like she was crazy.

She smiles and walks over to each of them. "It's you we don't know, you're the news. What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks? what mysteries do the muscles mask? does courage lie beneath those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick" as she says this she smacks fleurs face and ruffles Cedrics hair.

Y/N pretends to not hear the growl escape Harry's mouth as Cedric was touched. "Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rabid readers. So, who's feeling up to sharing? Mmm?" She asks them and knowone wants to go first.

She then leans over and grabs Harry. "Shall we start with the youngest. Lovely." She takes Harry by the hand into a closet, before he leaves Y/N mouths "don't say a word to her" and Harry's nods his head before being dragged into a closet.

Time skip...

By the time it was Y/Ns turn everyone else had gone And she was the last one. Harry and her sat against the wall and waited until she was done. Soon thw doors opened and she called Y/N in.

"Ms Lupin-Black" Yells the annoying woman, Harry gives Y/N a comforting look while she pretends to slit her throat dramatically making the boy laugh and her giggle.

As Y/N walks in the door closes and she is pulled to sit on a chair by Skeeter, she practically yanks her arm away. The blonde haired any smiles at her before asking questions.

"Y/N, here you sit, a mere girl of twelve.." she says ignoring Y/Ns "I'm fourteen"  the woman doesn't care and continues on.

"...about to compete against four students. Not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself but have mastered spells that you wouldn't attempt in your dizziest daydreams." She says looking into Y/Ns eyes as the quill writes like crazy next to her.

"I don't know haven't really thought of it" speaks the 14 year old glaring at the quill. "Course you're not just any ordinary girl of twelve are you" she says looking at Y/N with interest.

"I mean with your Parents being two Marauders, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black or is his last name Black, I mean tell us how does it feel to have a Dad who is a murdered and one who is a Werewolf?" Asks Rita in a pitying voice.

Y/N nails dig into her palms as she forces herself not to punch they annoying bitch infront of her. "How does it feel finding put all these years your the daughter of a murderous crazy lunatic and a Werewolf-" she is stopped by Y/N punching her strains into the face.

Y/Ns eyes glow Amber as she yells at the wan who was on the floor. "MY PAPA IS NOT A MURDERER! HE IS JSUT A MAN WHO WAS WRONGED BY THE PEOPLE WHO WERE MENT TO PROTECT HIM! ALSO THEES NOTHING WRONG WITH MY DAD BEING A WEREWOLF SURE HE GETS GRUMPY AROUND THE FULL MOON AND BECOMES A BIT FURRY BUT HES STILL MY DAD!" She yelled before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her not seeing the quill writing her every word.

Time skip...

Y/N soon finds herself standing outside the door to the Headmasters office. The young Werewolf paces back and forth nervous asleep what he was going to say.

Soon the gargoyle spins up opening the Stairway to the office, the young girl steps on one and let's it take her up, she holds her hand that she punched the witch with carefully her knuckles were bruised badly it was quiet a punch she threw.

She has calmed down alot from it. When she arrives in the office she is greeted by her Dad, Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and someone else with purple hair who looks alot like her Papa and Rita Skeeter who had a nasty black and purple bruised on her face.

Nervous the 14 year old hid her hand behind her back and closed the door and stood infront of the Adults. Before they could say anything she spoke.

"It wasn't on purpose she made me!" She yelled knowing they had heard about Rita Skeeter and that the woman lied about what happened.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter 13 already can't believe it.

Word count: 1118

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