chapter 8: The Tri-wizard tournament has begun

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Start of recap...

Ron's eyes widen when he recognises a student next to Karkaroff. "Blimey it's him, Viktor Krum!" He yelped his voice sqeaky making his friends laugh.

The boys breathe some fire.

"Albus!" Greets Karkaroff

"Igor." Greets Dumbledore They embrace like old friends. When everyone gets settled the feast begins.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Soon the students and Professors from Dumstrang and Beauxbatons were soon seated and the feat began. Ron had stopped fanboying about Victor Krum. "Professor Dumbledore, my horses have

ravelled a long way. They will need

attending to" said Madam Maxime to Professor Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiles at her "Not to worry Madame Maxime, our gamekeeper
Hagrid's more than capable of seeing
to them." He says to the woman who the  turns to Hagrid.

"But you know Monsieur Hagrid, they drink only single malt whiskey." She says to the Half giant who was to busy looking at her to notice what he was doing.

Professor Flitwick who was seated next to Hagrid yelps. Hagrid has stabbed a fork into his hand. Flitwick glares at him and rubs his hand "You idiot!" He yelled making Hagrid apologies.

Soon the food is finished and tables pushed to the side for more room, everyone listens as Dumbledore starts talking again. "Your attention please! I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks" he announces making the students chat loudly.

"Wicked." Said Fred and George they have a plan.

"For this reason the ministry has seen
fit to impose a new rule. To explain
all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch." As he says the students quiet.

Thunder roars overhead, rain begins leaking through the roof and screams break out. A strange man stands in the doorway, he casts some magic upwards and seals the roof. Peace is restored.

Ron and Y/Ns eyes widen in shock at who he is. "Bloody hell, it's Mad-Eye Moody." Yelps Ron as he sees the famous wizard.

"Wow" whispers Y/N, her Dad had told her alot about madeye from when the order of the phoenix was still around.

"Alastor Moody? The aura." Said Hermione of course she knew wwho he was as well.

"Auror?" Questioned Dean

"He was a catcher. Half the cells in
Azkaban are full thanks to him. He's
supposed to be mad as a hatter though
these days." Explained Ron still in shock to see MadEye.

He enters the room and begins walking. He easily spots Harry Through his mechanical eye. He limps, breathing heavily as he goes.

Dumbledore smiles and goes to greet the man like a Friend would. "My dear old friend, thanks for coming." He says shaking Mad eyes hand.

"That stupid roof." He mumbles to Dumbledore before turning away and takes a drink from his flask clasped in his hand

"What's that he's drinking do you suppose?" Questions Hermione to Y/N who strugs her shoulders, Harry pipes up from across the table.

"I don't know but it definitely isn't Pumpkin juice" he mumbles to his friends.

Barty Crouch Sr then takes the stage and stands next to Dumbledore as he does hid announcement.

"After much deliberation the ministry
has concluded that for their own safety
no student under the age of seventeen
shall be allowed to put forth their
name for the tri-wizard tournament.
This decision is final." As he finishes The crowd is unsettled, people are booing.

"Silence!" Yelled Dumbledore using a Sonorus charm on himself so his voice is louder. Dumbledore then casts magic over a box which melds into a goblet containing a blue flame.

Everyone is once again silent by Dumbledores yelling, for an old wizard he sure can yell.

"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to
submit themselves for the tournament
merely write their name upon a piece
of parchment and throw it in the flame
before this hour on Thursday night.
Do not do so lightly, if choosen there's
no turning back. As from this moment
the tri-wizard tournament has begun." He says sounding mysterious as everyone begins going to their houses for bed.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter.

Word count: 726

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