chapter 19 : Dance lessons

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Welcome to Chapter 19!

Start of recap...

Hermione laughs. "What are you on about?" Ron turns to her.

"They're not for Ginny they're for you!
Dress robes." She says, Ron is confused

"Dress robes? for what?" He says.

Suddenly an owl appears and flies down to the trio, Hermione takes the letter of its leg and reads it. In seconds she up and out of her seat. "Y/Ns awake!" She exclaims running to the infirmary, the boys behind her.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

When Y/N woke up she instantly recognised where she was, slowly she pushed her tired body up the bed. "Of course, here again" she mutters to herself, a pout on her face.

She could hear Madam Pomfrey rustling around in her office, Y/N eyed the doors, knowone there to stop her. Her limbs ached but she was desperate to leave.

She manages to sit up and turn her body around letting her legs hang of the bed, the 14 year old then stands up, catching herself as she wobbles.

Smiling she walks carefully to the doors, she gets within 5 steps before someone clears their throat. "Going somewhere Miss Lupin-Black" came the medi witches voice.

Y/Ns face drops, but a smile remains on her face at the use of 'Black' in her name, since everyone finding out her Dad is Sirius Black, she changed her last name to Lupin-Black, her parents also got remarried, since they never officially divorced.

"Just back to bed Miss" she smiles, the medi witch sighs and points her in thr direction of her bed, begrudgingly the Werewolf makes her way back to the bed.

Madam Pomfery shakes her head. "Just like your Father you are young lady, always trying to leave with out me letting you" Y/N watches as she bustles around.

As the medi witch checks her over thw doors slam open, in runs the Golden trio. Madam Pomfrey shakes her head in annoyance. Hermione has a huge smile on her face as she sees Y/N awake.

The boys watch as their friends hug, Hermione jumping onto Y/N bed and hugging her tightly. "It's been so long"sje cries.

Y/N just hugs her tightly. She sends a lazy grin to the boys. "Hey boys" she greeted, Harry rolls his eyes and sits next to his Godsister. "Haven't kicked the bucket yet then wolvie" Says Ron, yelping when Hermione slaps him.

Y/N barks out a laugh (like a certain Dog does) "Yep still here Red" she laughs, the 4 stays in the infirmary until Y/N is free to go.

Time skip...

A few hours later, the four find themselves in the Assembly room, all of Gryffindor, well 4th years and older. Boys on one side the other side Girls.

Y/N and Hermione at of course sat together whispering-well Y/N was her girlfriend was listening.

Professor McGonagall stands in the middle of the room. Filch stands behind her fifdling with an instramnet, when she start talking Hermione shushes

"The yule ball has been a tradition of the tri-wizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. As Representitives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost a dance" she says

As she finishes her speech, Groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. The girls seem a lot more excited, apart from Y/N who agrees with the boys she's never been good at dancing.

She dances alot like her Dad and Remus Lupin can't dance for the life of him, lucky for them Sirius Black the ever the life of the party- and being from a Pureblood family loves dancing, over the summer he got them to dance alot.

He soon figured out how bad they actually are at dancing. Y/N hides her face and groans. "I'm gonna have to ask Papa to teach me to waltz" she grumbles, Hermione hears and laughs slightly.

Having enough of their grumbling McGonagall speaks. "Silence. The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." Says their head of house.

The students grumble only quietly. Fred Whispers to George "Try saying thay five times faster." He says, they laugh and try.

          The Transfiguration Professor gives up at telling them to be quiet and continues her speech.

       "Now to dance is to let the body breathe, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight."

Using her Werewolf hearing Y/N heard Ron whispering to Seamus "Something's about to burst out of Hilary but I don't think it's a swan" the boys laugh.

Using her hearing McGonagall hears him, she turns to the boys side. "Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr Weasly, will you join me." She asks the Ginger.

She grabs Ron and pulls him to dance. "Now, place your right hand on my waist"she tells him, Ron has a horrified look on his face. "Where?"

"My waist" He does so and a wolf whistle comes from the crowd, Ron turns around glaring atthe direction if came from.

From the girls side Y/N and Hermione are snickering as they watch Ron, Y/N couldn't wait to write her weekly letter to her parents.

The music starts. "Everybody come together" she tells them, The girls instantly stand and walk forward, wirh hermione dragging Y/N with her.

The boys are all still seated  "Boys, on your feet" calls McGonagall seeing as they are still sitting. Hermione and Y/N spin each other around the floor laughing together.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter, hope you've all had a great Christmas I know I have!

Next chapter should be up soon, also should I go with the story Hermione going with Krum to the Yule ball or should she go with Y/N I've got an idea for it already, just want tk get your input really.

Word count: 1065

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