chapter 2: Quidditch world cup tickets

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Start of recap...

As this happend Remus was frozen he wasn't expecting Sirius to be here so soon, but he decided to smile and stand on the side he then quickly accioed his muggle camera and took some photos of the two as he knew Y/N would want some.

Sirius then put Y/N down so he could greet Remus already knowing the Werewolf was nervous. "Hey Moony" he said quietly as he looked up at the tall Werewolf.

Remus blushed at the name he hadn't heard in years. "Hey Padfoot" Y/N slowly backed away and out of the living room knowing the two will want to tlak alone together so the decided to go up to her bedroom and unpack for the holidays.

End of recap...

Y/N pov...



I groan and roll over away from the annoying voice calling me. "Go way" i mutter sleeply.




"Jeez your as bad as Remus with sleeping"said the voice but this time I recognised it "Papa" I exclaim sitting up quickly.

As I sat up I scared him making Papa fall backwards onto my floor. "Oops" I say grinning, "Ow I guess i deserve that" he mutters as I pull him up, he then sat on my bed.

"So what did you want?" I ask him, Papa then grins devilishly at me ans pulls out two pieces of paper in his hand. "Guess who has tickets to the wold cup" he said waving them in front of me.

I then try and grab one but he pulls it away from me. "Ah ah ah now you mustn't tell Remus otherwise we won't be able to go" he said quietly I nodded day head quickly and he gave me one.

"Wicked!" I exclaim quietly, we then began giggling like 5 year olds. "What are you two doing?" Cane a voice me and Papa yelled hugging each other tightly.

We then look to the door and see Dad wrapped in his favourite jumper leaning against my door frame raising an eyebrow at me and Papa who cough and let go of each other.

"Remus, Moony, love of my life I was just telling out daughter about the world cup" but Dad wasn't buying it for a minute you can never get away qoth lying to Dad he will always know.

"Fine, I was showing her the Tickets I got for the match" said Papa we both held our heads down hoping he won't be to made.

I hear Dad sigh "fine you can take out daughter to the world cup, you are lucky I was going tell you that the Weasleys had asked if Y/N wanted to go with them" said Dad me and Papa then lauch at the man and tackle him to the floor.

"Oh thank you thank you Dad!" I yell

"Yes thank you thank you Moony!" Yells Papa

Time skip...

"Are you ready Y/N" Asks Dad as me and Papa get Teddy to leave to meet with the Weasleys. "Yep all packed" I say Dad then hugs me tightly and I hug him back.

"Be careful okay and stick with your Papa" he say I nod my head and stand a side while the two hug and kiss goodbye. Me and Papa then take a port key to the meeting spot.

Third person pov...

Sirius and Y/N land hard on the ground by a forest they stand up and walk around trying to find the Weasleys "I HATE portkeys" I exclaim as we wlak making Papa laugh.

Just before we left Papa changed his appearance so knowone will recognise him as Sirius Black.

As we wlak we soon find the Weasleys with them were Harry and "Mione!" I scream making the girl turn around she sees me and we start running towards each other.

As we get tin arms length I jump into her arms we end up falling backwards me ontop just like how we met last year. We laugh at the position we ended up in.

"Hi" I say giggling "hi" she says back also giggling. "Girl hurry up please we don't want to be late" yells Mr Weasley, we blush nad quickly stand back up again. "So who's that man with you?" She asks

"Oh that's Papa but he's disguised himself this is my Dad's friend Mike Mapple" I say introducing my Papa to everyone but Harry, Hermione and Ron knew who he is.

Everyone then walks up a hill and see a manky old boot, the group lay on the floor and each grab hold of it. There's a white flash and suddenly they're all flying through the air. Everyone cheers.

Y/N and Hermione hold hands as they fly through the air. "Bloody hell!" Yells the young Werewolf as her Papa laughs he hasn't portkeyed to the World cup in years.

Harry, Y/N, Hermione and the young Weasleys crash to the ground with a thump. Arthur, Sirius, Amos and Cedric come down more gracefully.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?" Says Arthur as he lands. Cedric helps Harry to his feet."Thanks" They walk across the field and we see there's a massive crowd gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Everyone is amazed especially the kids. Sirius is all smiliey Y/N has never seen him like this unless he's with Remus.

They walk into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. They approach a small tent and another next to it.

To be continued...

Hope you liked chapter 2!

Word count: 951

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