chapter 20: Second thoughts?

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Welcome to chapter 20 can't believe it's half way pretty much . Of course there has to be a chapter with Wolfstar and this is the perfect time for it.

Start of recap...

From the girls side Y/N and Hermione are snickering as they watch Ron, Y/N couldn't wait to write her weekly letter to her parents.

The music starts. "Everybody come together" she tells them, The girls instantly stand and walk forward, wirh hermione dragging Y/N with her.

The boys are all still seated  "Boys, on your feet" calls McGonagall seeing as they are still sitting. Hermione and Y/N spin each other around the floor laughing together.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Throughout the next couple of weeks before Christmas being the daughter of two famous wizards got Y/N being asked to the Ball.

Every lesson she would be asked if she wanted to go, each time she would decline them, after the first couple of times it got annoying for the girl.

Currently she was hiding in the common room with Hermione, away from the boys and girls wanting to be her date to the ball. As she hid her girlfriend was sat reading a book on the one seater.

"Is it safe Mione" she asks the girl. Hermione looks around the room then nods her head, there were hardly anyone there and most of the Gryffindors know that Hermione and Y/N are dating.

The teen sighs and comes out of her hiding place, she then plops down next to Hermione squeezing onto the single with her girlfriend.

"I hate being popular" she complains leaning on Miones shoulder, the brown haired girl jsut laughs and pats her Girlfriends head. "You poor baby" she sympathethises.

Y/N just closes her eyes, lucky for her she gets to go home and see her parents at the weekend, that's when she plans to ask her Papa if he can teach her to dance.

"Has anyone asked you yet?" Asks Y/N, Hermione shakes her head. "Not yet" she says blushing. Y/N plans to ask Hermione to the Ball soon, after she gets dance lessons from her Papa.

Time skip...

When Y/N arrived home she was greeted with hugs from her parents, they had missed her. "Hogwarts isn't the same without you Dad" she tells the Werewolf.

Remus blushes at his daughters words
"That's nice to hear N/N" he says kissing her forehead, the men then help the girl bring her trunk inside, once she was unpacked they hung out in the living room, Y/N and Sirius playing gobstones with Remus reading.

As the family of three sit together Y/N asks her Papa a question that had been on her mind. "Papa who did you ask to the Ball?" She asks the man, Sirius is surprised at the question but then smirks at his daughter.

"Why do you ask N/N, have a special someone you want to invite to the ball?" He teases the girl, Y/N growls at him and throws a gobstone at him perfectly hitting his head. "Ouch that hurt!" He complains.

Remus doesn't looks up from his paper, a smile appeared on his lips, of course being a champion Y/N would have to find a date and be one of the first ones to dance, but he decides to keep that last part to himself.

Once they run out of gobstones Sirius finally gives his daughter a serious answer, he looks at Remus before answering. "I asked the most beautiful person I had ever seen to be my date" he says voice full of love.

Remus couldn't help but smile at his paper. Y/N understands instantly. "You asked Dad right?" She says a grin wide on her face.

Sirius grins right back at her, the exact same grin. "Of course, now is this certain person a miss Granger perhaps" he says adding a teasing wiggle of hid eyebrows.

The huge blush that appears on ber face says it all. Sirius barks out a laugh. "I haven't asked her yet, how should I do it?" She asks him, Remus is now listening.

"Just be yourself love" he says his voice making the duo remember that he was there. Y/N looses her smile. "But what if she says no, what if she doesn't want to be seen with another girl, what if she's worried people will talk?" she says without realising it working herself into a spiral.

Her words make her Dads frown, Remus abandons his paper for sitting next to his daughter, Sirius wraps his arms around her shoulders, both men looks at each other before questioning their daughter.

"Hey hey hey, what's with that talk now" Says Sirius, the black haired man knew what to do having done it so many times with Remus, still does now.

One thing Y/N got from Remus was his self esteem issues, since becoming a Werewolf at a young age she always thought she would never find love, or live a normal life like other, often wonders if she deserves the friends she has now.

Sirius tucks the girl further into his chest, her shoulder shaking. Remus on her other side rubs her back comfortingly. "You know Hermione loves you right? Right" at Y/Ns nod he continues.

"And you love her, nothing would ever change that Pup and we love you so much, don't ever forget that" the girl nods her head again, Sirius smiles slightly knowing the spiral of selfr loathing would be over soon.

Remus looks at the man he calls his with a look of pure admiration. "Is this how I am?"He questions in a low voice, Sirius gives the man a rie smile and holds his hand tightly.

"Yes pretty much" Remus gives a humourless laugh, the two sit and wait until Y/Ns feels better again and wants to move.

It wasn't until hours later the three would go back go normal, Sirius ans Y/N messing around while Remus watched from afar laughing at the two.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter, can't believe how far this series has come anyway the next chapter will be up soon!

Poll for the Yule ball chapter.

1: Hermione regeta Krum, Y/N invites Hermione, go together, dance have fun,

2: Krum invites Hermione, but Y/N whisks her girlfriend away happy ending.

Not sure which one to go for jsut yet, if you have any other ideas for this chapter please let me know, I appreciate it alot !

Word count: 1103

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