Chapter 24: Rejected

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Welcome to chapter 24 can't believe this book has so many chapters already

Start of recap...

"I'm searching for different ways to help you and Harry to breath underwater for the third task, it's not far away now you realise" she rambles as Y/N smiles at her girlfriend.

'I love her so much' she leans forward and kisses the still rambling girls cheek earning a darker blush. "Thank you Mione" she whispers, Hermione stops talking and smiles.

"Of course" she then turns back go her research, Y/N pulled out her bag and leant her head on it, planning to take a nap while Hermione researched.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Harry is walking up some steps. He reaches the top and bumps
               into Cho who has come around the corner.

  "Harry!" She yells surprised to see the boy. Harry is equally surprised to see her. "Cho!" He exclaims.

Cho smiles at the balck haired boy. "Watch yourself on the stairs, it's a bit icey at the top" she tells him, Harry smiles at thr ravenclaw.

"Ok thanks. Cho?" At her name the girl turns towards Harry again. "Yes?"She asks the boy.

Harry then becomes a blushing mumbling mess. "Um-" he mumbles the rest. "-I just wondered if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me?"He mumbles the womd choosing that moment to blow loudly.

The girl leant towars harry a bit tovhear him. "Sorry? I didn't catch that" wide green eyes are startled. Harry ruffles his hair. "Um. I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me." He asks this time clearly.

Cho look apologetically at the boy, her eyes gentle. "Um. Harry I'm sorry but someone's already asked me." Harrys face drops at her words.

"And well I've said I'll go with him." She looks at the boy as he looks away from her. "Ok. Great. Fine. No problem. Good." He grumbles to himself as he begins walking up to the owlery.

Chos stops him, the fourth year looks hopful. "Harry I really am sorry." He says again before leaving the green eyed boy alone.

Later that same day Harry, Hermione and Y/N are all hanging out infront of the fire jn Gryffindor common room, Harry sat on the sofa.

Next to him sat Y/N and Hermione squashed together in one of the big soft armchairs, Hermione was reading one of her books from home, while Y/N was chatting to her Godbrother.

The boy had been complaining to the girls about how he embarrassed himself infront of Cho. "I was blushing and mumbling the whole time bet she though I was a joke" groaning he shoved his hands into his face.

The H/C girl was currently pushing her face into Hermiones shoulder trying to cover her laughter as her Godbrother tells her his story.

"Your not helping N/N" Grumbles Harry, lifting his head from his hands, Hermione shoved her girlfriend who was stil laugh in the ribs. "Ow mione! Sorry Harry. That sucks, bet you she's going with Cedric" she tells the boy.

At Cedrics name he blushes slightly, Y/N raises an eyebrow. 'Hm seems he likes Cedric, interesting' thought the Werewolf. "I knoww dammit why didn't I ask her before" he groans.

Y/N shakes her head at her Godbrother. "So dramatic Harry, it's not the end of the world. The ball isn't for another couple weeks" she tells the boy, Harry only groans more.

He then opens one eyes and looks at the pair squashed up together on the chair "That's easy for you to say your going with Mione you two were already dating so it doesn't count"

Hermione and Y/N both blush bright red. The H/C girl throws a pillow at the boy. "Idiot! Of course were going together I won't let that slim Krim take my beautiful girlfriend!" Declared the Werewolf.

This got her a laugh from Harry and a jab in the ribs from Hermione making the girl eep and sit back down. Hermiones face was bright red. "Ssh were in the common room" she hisses as Y/N looks at her sheepishly.


Suddenly the door is opened and Ron is being helped into the room, he looks shaky. Harry gets up and helps Ron sit.

Not being able to move Hermione and Y/N looks over the back of thr chair at the group. "What happened to you?" He asks the red head.

Ginny answers for her brother. "He just asked Fleur Delacour out." She says gasps are heard from the group.

Hermione almpst drops her bopk in shock. "What?"She yells

"What did she say?" Ask Harry, Y/N spelas up from the chair. "No of course." Hermione gives her a look bit couldn't stop the smile on her face.

Ron doesnt even glare at Y/N only shakes his head. Hermione gasps her hands over her mouth "She said yes"

Harry shakes his head at her. "Don't be silly" he says, Ron then speaks for the first time, he looked less pale from when he came in.

"There she was walking by. You know I like it when they walk. I couldn't help it, it just sort of slipped out."He says voice dreamy as he spoke.

Ginny spoke again after Ron went quiet. "Actually he sort of screamed at her, it was a bit frightening" Y/N snorts at that of course he would.

Giving his Godsister a look Harry turns to Ron. "What did you do then?" He asks, everyone moves closer in  their seats wanting to know.

Ron gulps. "What else? I ran for it." He says before turning to Harry. "I'm not cut out for this Harry. I don't know what got into me." moans Ron feeling awful.

The Patil twins walk past. "Hi Harry." They say, Harry turns to greet them back, as he looks he has an idea.

He then stands up and begins to run after them "Hey!" He yells, Y/N and Hermione look at each other before shrugging.

Harrys got an idea.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter, the yule ball chapter will be next! I can't wait to write it, it will probably be 2 parts and i will change alot that will happen in it to be aware!

Anyway sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes! See you next chapter!

Word count : 1080

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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