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You chuckled softly. "Dagur's out there. Anything could happen at this point."

"It's so foggy here, I can't see a thing," you complained, squinting your eyes to see. You had been flying for about an hour now and dawn was another hour away so it was one of the darkest possible moments in the entire night. Besides - fog was all over the sea and you weren't sure where exactly you were or how high you were compared to the water.

"Yeah, well, I could try echolocation- Look out!" Glacier suddenly dove down. And you could actually see why. A fraction of a second later after she did, you, who wasn't as low as you should've been, got caught in the net.

As the net started to be dragged back, you fell towards the water. You shook your head to Glacier who was about to follow you and gave her a pleading look.

Please just do as you promised, you pleaded, filling your lungs with as much air as you could before you fell into the water. The darkness of the water consumed you. But there was another darkness to it. You didn't think you could hold your breath much longer. Please be safe... Glacier, was your last thought before you passed out.

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now