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"Night!" you called before Glacier flew off into the night, Leaf coming right after you two.

"Alright guys," you sighed. "I'm going now. You don't have to come."

"But we will," Death said certainly, stepping forth.

"You do you," you shrugged. "Let's go."


You awkwardly landed on the beach since the Gang was just sitting there for some odd reason you couldn't quite figure out.

"Hey," Hiccup greeted gleefully, standing up. "Glad to see that you brought the dragons. Mind introducing us?"

You nodded. "Sure. This," you pointed to the gray Changewing, "is Chameleon. At 21 years old, she's the oldest of the group. She just came to Lonebreeze so I didn't start prying."

"Why is she growling at me?" Snotlout asked, stepping backwards a bit.

You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. "It's probably because of the 'Stones Of Good Fortune', you see... she was one of the mothers."

"I'm sorry, alright!" Snotlout squealed, hiding behind Hiccup. "Please now get this thing away from me!"

"Chameleon," you said warningly. She backed off with a huff.

"Good girl," you smiled. "Anyway, you know Glacier, she's as old as me," you rubbed the dragon's head. "The boys over there," you gestured behind your back. "Are Heatwave and Nori. Heatwave's 19 and Nori's 18. You might also know Heatwave under the name 'Scauldy'. Thanks for that time, by the way, I have no idea what got into him."

"Dragons are stupid sometimes, aye?" Hiccup chuckled a bit, earning a kick in the back of his head with Toothless' tail.

"Yeah," you agreed with a smile. Next thing you know, Glacier's tail whips you into water. You coughed, surfacing again. "I deserved that. Heatwave, would you mind?"

He narrowed his eyes at you for a second before rolling them and bent down so you could hook your hands around his neck and he put you back to the shore. "Thank you," you patted his neck. "You guys should thank him too. He was the Scauldron to give you the venom so you could heal your dragons. I took some of that by the way."

"W-Were you the one to calm him down so we could get the venom?" Hiccup asked, amazed.

"Yup," you nodded. "After that, Heatwave stayed at Lonebreeze. I got Nori the time I rescued some of the dragons from Alvin. Moving on," you continued, "that's Death. He's 16."

"Woah," Snotlout gasped. "I've never seen a black Monstrous Nightmare before."

"Me neither," Fishlegs narrowed his eyes. "I've never even heard of one."

"Yeah, Death's pretty special," you smirked. "Show them, would you?" At that, Death set his body on fire. Except instead of being red, the fire was bright blue.

"Impressive," Astrid nodded. "What's the Nadder's name? She seems cool." That earned her a lick on the face from Dusk.

"That's Dusk," you smiled, "she's 11. She, as well as Death, also came from the rescue mission. And at last but not least," you walked over to Leaf, patting her snout, "this is my Little Goofball, also known as Leaf. She's six and also from the rescue mission."

"How is she so big already?" Fishlegs asked with astonishment.

"Dragons have that growth spurt around the age of four when they reach their full size in about a month," you explained, going back over to Glacier before turning to the dragons. "You guys can go back now," you informed them. "And when you see Dalfon anywhere, tell him to get his butt over here. It's bad manners to be late somewhere everyone's going."

"You got it, Boss," Death confirmed, rising into the air.

"I think I'll stay," Leaf admitted, nudging her nose against your shoulder.

"Sure, Goofball," you chuckled. As you weren't watching, Hiccup smiled softly at you. 

The Journey - Book 8 (RTTE X OCish Reader) /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now