The Fake Identity

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The above video has some information about this book series. Stuff you might want to know after reading. It is basically the introductory chapter of the fourth book of this series.

I was walking down an old street, filled with different houses; some covered with a DO NOT ENTER sign written in large bold red letters. I stopped as I reached a house which unlike the others, had a welcoming look. I reached out a hand to ring the doorbell. I looked down at myself, I looked good enough to pass in this world. I had been advised by a friend of mine to change from combat clothes to "more human clothes", as she put it. Now, I would give anything to go back to those little problems. I am Laviana Springstun, the future Queen of the Northern part of Gem Land, the granddaughter of Lucinda Core. And this is the story of my great-grandmother, who had given me a task, get inside the life of a certain thirteen-year-old and mess it. She hadn't put it that way, she made it seem like I was doing the kid a favour. But I wouldn't consider making an innocent kid known to some pretty messed up world, doing a favour. But her life was going to change, with or without me, and one thing I agreed with my great-grandma, was that with me, the possibilities of her death would be reduced by at least ten per cent.

The door opened and a pale man around thirty opened the door gently, wearing a mask covering his mouth and nose. 'Who are you?' he asked in a muffled voice from under the mask. He looked like Eleanor's father. Though I wasn't sure if I still wanted to talk to Eleanor. The man had started giving me creeps. For a moment, I considered saying that I was at the wrong house and bail. But I couldn't bail on the inevitable.

'I want to see Eleanor Snowbone!' I said trying to sound calm but was unable to hide the urgency in my tone.

'Who are you?' the man repeated impatiently. He looked angry and irritated like he hadn't slept for days, but something told me that was his natural attitude.

'I am Laviana Springstun! Please sir, I do not have time! I need to talk to her, right now!' I focused, and willed the man to let me in. Did I forget to mention that Gem Land was a land of magic? Most of it was spiritual and didn't require an enchantment, just concentration and determination.

'Oh, okay. Come inside! What do you want with my daughter?'

'Let me do my work! I'll let you know soon!'

'Fine! Come inside! That is her room!' he said pointing at a door with a big photo of a small girl on it.

'Thanks!' I walked carefully towards it.

He opened the door and called, 'Eleanor! Someone has come to meet you!' There sat a girl with dark brown shimmering hair. She was neatly dressed and bore a sincere expression.

'It is Laviana Springstun, isn't it?' she asked casually looking up from her book in which she was writing.

'Yes, that is me! But how do you know that?' I asked surprisingly.

'I heard you say it.'

'Mark was right, you are pretty smart! You are the only person who can help us! Actually, not us, yourself!' I added, closing the door behind me.

'So, why are you here?' Eleanor asked. I turned to the door, raised my hands and sealed the door by an invisible wall of magic.

'What are you doing?' she asked, confused.

'Concealing the room with a charm so that our voice doesn't get out of boundaries!'

'So, you used magic?'

'Aren't surprised that magic exists?'

'Let's just say I have had my share of scientifically unexplainable events."

'This will make it easier! Now! I am going to tell you a story, the story of my great grandmother, Lucinda Core, and it is going to change your life. So, listen-

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