The End Of The War

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It was a few weeks later and Florence had been given some time off her nursing duties as everyone said that she didn't look well, even though she insisted she felt fine. With her time off Florence decided to see Tom. She made her way to the garage and found Tom under the car looking at the engine.

"I wish I knew how an engine worked" wondered Florence as she approached Tom, he stopped what he was doing as soon as he heard Florence's voice.

"I can teach you if you'd like" chucked Tom as he got up from underneath the car.

"That's Edith's territory" laughed Florence as she shook her head

"Are you feeling alright, you don't well?" asked Tom as he fully took in Florence's appearance. She looked tired and pale.

"I'm fine. They won't let me do my duties though" replied Florence. Tom was worried as he had never seen Florence ill like this before.

"Why don't you sit down?" suggested Tom

"I've told you, I'm fine" insisted Florence

"If you say so" Tom acted like he wasn't worried, but really he was


That night Robert had gathered the family, including Matthew, Lavinia and Isobel, into the library. He said that he had something important to discuss with the family. Throughout the day Florence had been getting worse too, she felt more tired, developed a headache and her muscles started to ache. She wasn't going to give in though, she was determined to carry on.

"I'm sorry if it's a bit of a crush. I didn't want to be overheard" apologised Robert as the family were sat in the library

"Are we talking financial ruin? Or criminal investigation?" asked Violet

"Neither. I'll get straight to the point. We have a patient who has been badly burned who goes by the name of Patrick Gordon, but he claims to be Patrick Crawley" explained Robert. Florence was shocked at the news, she also felt sorry for Matthew.

"But I thought he was dead. Didn't he drown on the Titanic?" questioned Isobel who was concerned

"Well, of course, it is what we all thought until now" replied Robert

"They never found a body" butted in Edith

"They never found lots of bodies" remarked Mary bitterly

"I'm so sorry, but I'm not quite on top of this. Who's Patrick Crawley?" questioned Sir Richard. Florence didn't even know what he was doing here.

"The man who would displace me as heir. If he's alive, then I'm no longer the future Earl of Grantham" explained Matthew bitterly, which was understandable.

"It's ridiculous. How can it be true? Where's he been hiding for the last six years?" asked Mary, Florence had been wondering the same thing. Florence then zoned out as she suddenly felt dizzy and like she was about to pass out, she just caught the end of the discussion.

"Well, he seems a nice enough chap. He's not very pretty, of course, but he can walk 'round the estate on his own two legs and sire a string of sons to continue the line. All in all, I'd say that's a great improvement on the current situation. Sybil, could I prevail on you to take me back to my room?" snapped Matthew

"Of course" replied Sybil as she wheeled Matthew to his room. The family sat back in shock, then stated to disperse. However, Florence was glued to her chair, she thought that if she got up her legs wouldn't hold her. Robert saw his daughter and was instantly worried.

"Flossie, are you alright?" questioned Robert. Florence didn't hear him as she had zoned out again. "Flossie, Flossie". Florence only snapped out of her daze because Robert was knelt down in front of her calling her name.

"I'm sorry Papa, I just don't feel the best" replied Florence

"Go to bed darling and we'll telephone Dr Clarkson later" suggested Robert

"I'll go to bed but you don't need to telephone for Dr Clarkson, it'll soon pass" responded Florence as she got up and went to bed.


However, Florence's illness didn't pass, she awoke in the night shivering with cold sweats. Florence thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. It was Edith that came to check on Florence the next morning as she was worried because her younger sister hadn't turned up to breakfast. Edith just thought that Florence had over slept, but was shocked when she found her pale and her hair soaked as she had cold sweats. Edith called for help and it was decided that Dr Clarkson should see her, which was lucky as he was already on his way up to see to the soldiers. Luckily, Dr Clarkson confirmed that it was just the flu and she would get over it within the next few days. Robert was relieved as he had been worried sick about Florence.

Florence was lay awake in bed, she was resting plus she didn't have the energy to get up, when Sybil entered the room to check on her.

"How are you feeling?" asked Sybil as she placed a cold wet flannel as her twins forehead

"A bit better. I feel guilty that I got everyone worried for no reason" chuckled Florence

"Nonsense, we all love you" reassured Sybil "I saw Tom earlier, he asked me how you were. I told him you were ill and he said get better". Florence felt better just from that.

"If I write him a note will you give it to him?" asked Florence. Sybil just sighed, she didn't want to, but she supported the couple and knew Florence couldn't see Tom at the minute.

"Of course. Let me get you a pen and paper" smiled Sybil as she went and got what she needed. Florence had soon written a note and gave it to Sybil to pass on to Tom.

It was also while Florence was on bed rest that Robert gave her the amazing news that the war was over. Florence was over the moon as she felt that her future with Tom was nearer.


It was a few days later and Florence was fully recovered, she was now back to her nursing duties. She was currently with Sybil changing the sheets on what was Patrick's bed.

"What's happened to Major Gordon?" asked Edith as she entered the ward

"He's gone" answered Florence

"But he can't have. When?" questioned Edith. She liked Patrick and was helping to care for him while he was here.

"After breakfast. We couldn't very well stop him. The war's over. He left this for you" explained Florence. She gave Sybil the note and the three of them sat on the bed.

"What does it say?" asked Sybil

"It was too difficult. I'm sorry." - P. Gordon" replied Edith, she was clearly upset.

"P" for Patrick or "P" for Peter?" wondered Sybil

"I know what you both think, but I don't accept it. We drove him away. His own family drove our cousin away" reasoned Edith annoyed

"But you believed in him, whoever he was, and that's worth something" reassured Florence as she smiled at Edith.


"I think while the clock strikes, we should all make a silent prayer to mark the finish of this terrible war, and what that means for each and every one of us. Let us remember the sacrifices that have been made and the men who will never come back, and give them our thanks" announced Robert as the house hold were gathered in the hall to mark the end of the war. The clock chimed and the soldiers stood and sat to attention. As the eleventh chime stuck everyone relaxed, the war had officially ended. Florence finally felt relaxed as she knew that her life with Tom was going to start soon.

"Thank you, everyone" thanked Robert "Remember that this is not just the end of a long war, but it is the dawn of a new age. God bless you all"

The war had officially ended.

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