Mr Pamuk

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The day started off with Florence and Sybil looking around the village, more precisely the village bookshop. The village didn't have a big bookshop, but the twins, mainly Florence, loved it anyway. She always found a new book or a new edition of book she already owned.

"Have you found anything?"asked Sybil, she hadn't and was waiting for her twin.

"I have actually. I'm buying a new copy of A Picture of Dorian Gray" replied Florence. Florence had read this book many times, however, as she had her copy was wearing thin.

"Haven't you already read that one like a million times Florie?"questioned Sybil. Sybil knew she had, but loved her twins admiration for books.

"Yes, what harm can another do though?. Plus it's reading that allows us to escape" answered Florence as she paid for the book. Even though the owner of the bookshop always insisted to give Florence the book, she always paid; she couldn't bare the thought of knowing the money she didn't pay for the book could mean no food for him. After Florence paid for the book the twins walked with their arms linked around the village.

As the twins made their way back to Downton with their arms linked chatting, they noticed a young man stood by one of the houses inspecting it. Florence thought it was strange, but didn't want to bother the man. Florence couldn't walk away though as she was being dragged by her sister to the man. The man in question had short dark hair and was tall, he was also wearing a grey suit.

"Hello, are you okay?" asked Sybil. The young man turned around, he was clearly startled at the twins showing up. As the young man turned around he placed the books he was holding on some nearby grass.

"Yes, I was just looking at the building for my father's company. I'm an an architect. He told me how beautiful the buildings were in Downtown" replied the man "sorry, my name is Oscar Axton"

Florence thought it was strange that she just brought a book by a man with the same fist name, but she was going to let Sybil have her moment with the man.

"I'm Sybil Crawley and this is my twin sister Florence Crawley" introduced Sybil. Florence was happy that she didn't use 'Lady', she knew Sybil wouldn't though.

"Aren't you Lord Grantham's youngest daughters?" questioned Oscar.

"Yes, but we don't like formalities" explained Sybil. Florence had never seen her talk to a man for this long before, she knew her sister liked him and wanted to leave her sister with him to talk.

"I'm just going to head back to read my book. Don't let me stop you talking" said Florence and before Sybil or Oscar could protest she had started to walk off. Florence wasn't crazy she wasn't really going to leave Sybil on her own with someone she had just met, she was going to wait around the corner and read. Sybil knew this too.

That evening Florence and the rest of her family learnt that Evelyn Napier was coming to stay in a few days, he was bringing with him a Mr Kemal Pamuk. Florence didn't question it as she knew it was for Mary.
Evelyn Napier and Kemal Pamuk had arrived at Downton and joined Mary and Robert on a hunting party. Florence wasn't joining in. It wasn't that she couldn't ride, she just wanted to spend some time to herself. Plus Mary's words still stung her. So, instead Florence decided to ask Mrs Patmore if she could make her up a little picnic and spend the day painting. Florence loved painting, but never found the time as she was always reading.

With her picnic and painting supplies in her hands Florence set off to find a quiet place to paint.

That same evening Florence was sat with her family having dinner in the dining room.

Risk It All - Tom Branson/Downton AbbeyWhere stories live. Discover now