65. Beautiful Love

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It was late the next afternoon when they arrived in Orynth. Luciana gripped Vaughan's hand tightly as he led her through the corridors of the palace. Kyllian alone accompanied them. Luciana had traveled to the Bane's camp that morning to ask him to come. If Aeron couldn't be at her wedding, at least Kyllian could, and he had been more than willing to attend.

This certainly isn't the wedding Mother and Father would've put together for me, Luciana thought to herself with a hint of amusement.

That wedding would've been a grand affair, in which she would've been viewed as some sort of prize. They would've dressed her up in lace and diamonds and played the part of doting parents before passing her off to her husband, to do with as he pleased. Then again, her father had made a deal with Maeve. It was entirely possible that she would've spent her life as a slave, instead of a wife.

Not that there would've been much of a difference in that case, Luciana thought. I would've been a slave to the male my parents chose for me, just as I would've been a slave for Maeve. She gripped Vaughan's hand tighter and felt his gaze drift to her. But thankfully, I don't have to fear either of those things anymore. Neither of us do. She met Vaughan's gaze and smiled.

She was marrying her mate and carranam. She was marrying a male she had chosen for herself. She was marrying him with only two people attending the ceremony besides themselves and the officiant. Luciana smiled, flipping her braid over her shoulder. She was marrying him dressed in a plain maroon tunic, brown pants, and a pair of boots. She was giving herself to him, and he was giving himself to her.

At last, they reached their destination. Luciana gazed around the circular sunroom, taking in the beautiful sight. Crystal chandeliers hung from the glass ceiling. Light danced through the prisms, scattering rainbows across the room. Cushioned benches lined the transparent walls and a small bubbling fountain sat in the center of the room. Before that fountain stood Aelin and Rowan.

Rowan touched Vaughan's shoulder, then retreated to Kyllian's side. Luciana leaned into Vaughan as Aelin began to speak. She closed her eyes briefly, listening as he took his vows. Luciana held Vaughan's gaze when she swore her own. Aelin smiled and bowed her head to them. Vaughan touched a soft kiss to Luciana's lips, and they were wed.

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Vaughan stared at his armor, resting on a mannequin in the corner of his room. Luciana's was next to it. He'd spent most of the night prior teaching her how to clean it, assemble it, and put it on properly, until she was confident that she would remember. A new bow and quiver sat beside the armor, along with her sword. The bow and quiver had been a wedding gift from Kyllian.

Vaughan received a gift as well, from Aelin and Rowan. He twisted the simple gold band that sat on the fourth finger of his left hand, smiling to himself. Luciana was his wife now. His wife, his carranam, and his mate. He couldn't wait until he had a chance to tell Fenrys and Nascha. They would be overjoyed.

All too soon, a darker thought emerged. I might never get the chance to tell them. He shoved the idea aside. No, I can't think like that. I will see them again, and I will get the chance to tell them. We are all going to survive whatever happens in the coming days.

Vaughan straightened as the bathroom door opened. Soft footsteps padded into the bedroom. He turned, spying Luciana. She combed her fingers through the damp curled ends of her hair. There was a faint blush in her cheeks. She clutched her towel tighter to herself. Vaughan rose and hooked a finger beneath her chin.

"What have you been thinking about?" He teased, leaning down to kiss her.

"A lot of things. How much I want to see Aeron, Nascha, and Fenrys. What's going to happen in the next few days. How much time we have left." Luciana lowered her golden gaze. "How we're going to spend that time."

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