30. A Friend's Request

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The next few days passed in a blur. Luciana was kept busy training with Aeron and Nascha. Many believed the winter storms were setting in, which meant there wouldn't be as much time for training. Luciana was trying to learn as much as she could before she was no longer able to train outdoors.

Much to her and Nascha's amusement, Kyllian had attended a few of her lessons too, although he paid more attention to Aeron than to her. She didn't mind though. It was nice to see her brother allowing himself more leeway with the Commander. Luciana only hoped that something good would come of it sooner rather than later.

She had spoken to Kyllian about the possibilities of her rejoining the Bane if Vaughan decided he wanted her to leave. As Luciana had suspected, Kyllian seemed wary of the idea because of Kron and Malik's lingering friends. Knowing that the two males had recently joined the Revolutionists did little to ease Kyllian's concerns, which she knew Aedion and Elgan would share.

Luciana had spent several sleepless nights trying to come up with ideas. Finally, she just shoved her concerns aside and decided to figure it out when the time came. There was nothing she could do now, and losing sleep wouldn't help matters at all.

Luciana rolled beneath Nascha's wooden sword and brought her own up in time to parry a blow from Aeron's. Kyllian circled the three of them, calling out an occasional pointer. Luciana raised her arm and focused a shield around it. Nascha's sword glanced off the shield with a spray of golden embers. Another bolt of light struck Aeron in the chest, knocking him backwards.

He picked himself up with a grunt, rubbing his sternum ruefully. "Have I ever mentioned how jealous I am that you have magic and I don't?" Aeron chuckled.

"It wasn't my choice," Luciana laughed in response.

Nascha's blade arced towards her head. In a heartbeat, Luciana shifted into her ocelot and leaped into a low tree branch. She clawed her way up to another branch and perched there, purring with amusement. Aeron shifted into his lynx and sprang into the air, swiping at her tail which dangled off the branch. Luciana pulled it out of reach.

"Ugh," Nascha scoffed with a grin. "Feline Fae. You think you're so cunning." Darkness swirled around her and she emerged as a beautiful barn owl. She flew up to Luciana's branch and pecked her forehead.

Kyllian shook his head, crossing his arms. "The Human feels left out."

Aeron shifted back into himself and joined Kyllian. They began to speak quietly. Luciana couldn't make out their words, even with her ocelot's sharp ears. The smiles on their faces were evident though. She thought she'd be able to see them even if she were Human herself.

Luciana shifted back into her usual form but remained sitting on the branch. Nascha followed suit, flipping a long crimson braid over her shoulder. "What do you think of them?" She asked, jerking her chin towards Kyllian and Aeron.

Luciana smiled. "I think they're good for each other. I hope one of them makes a move soon."

"Aeron has Settled."

She stiffened and lowered her gaze. "I know. We've talked about it before. If things grew serious between them, Aeron would have to choose if he wanted to bind his life to Kyllian's or live for centuries after he's gone."

Nascha gave a slow sigh. "What do you think he'll do?"

"I don't know. I know he feels a sense of duty towards me, but..." Luciana bit her lip and twirled a lock of hair around her finger. "I hope that he'd choose Kyllian."


"I see the effect that Vaughan's lost lover has on him. I would never wish to see my brother experiencing the same pain. I would rather know that he's gone and happy, than miserable with me."

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