13. Step By Step

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Luciana stepped outside the cabin and drew in a deep breath, relishing the crispness of the morning air. Vaughan had already left for the camp. She wouldn't be accompanying him today, although he promised to come back later in the morning and help her with her magic. For now, she would run through the workout routine she and Aeron had been perfecting.

Luciana fell into the first set of stretches, easing the lingering stiffness of sleep from her joints. Leaves rustled in the forest beyond the cabin. She gazed at the crowns of the trees, admiring the beauty of their rich copper, crimson, and golden hues. Luciana glanced at the sky and saw large puffy clouds in the distance. If they continued to grow, perhaps it would rain that evening. Maybe even snow.

She finished with her stretches and moved into her exercises. She began with pushups, then sit-ups. Planks were her least favorite, but Aeron had explained that they were beneficial to her core strength and her training would go much smoother if she did them. Luciana held the plank as long as she could, until her abdomen was practically screaming at her to stop. She allowed herself a short break, then moved on.

The simple movements gave her time to think over what had happened in the past few days. Luciana couldn't quite wrap her mind around it. Vaughan was...spending time with her. She'd talked to him more in the past three days than she had during the months she'd been with the Bane. What was even more surprising was that he was the one who initiated conversation. She wasn't sure what had come over him.

He still didn't talk about certain things. He hadn't mentioned Connall again. He didn't talk about the other names tattooed on his skin. He didn't talk about his family, his magic, or his time as Maeve's blood-sworn. Luciana did her best to respect his privacy and didn't ask questions she thought he wouldn't want to answer.

It was nice being able to talk to him. She felt a little more at ease in the cabin now. She felt less like a trespassing guest and more like a welcome one. Things weren't quite as awkward as they had been before.

Luciana finished with her exercises and straightened. She didn't have a lot more she could do training wise. Vaughan still advised against her using her magic in large amounts unless he was there to supervise. She didn't trust herself to pick up a weapon. Vaughan did have a bow and supplies to make arrows, but no targets. Perhaps if she made one, he might be willing to let her use the bow.

Luciana tugged on a stray lock of hair, then shrugged and began to dance. Her poised movements sent her flying around the yard, as though her secondary form were a bird, rather than an ocelot. She felt more graceful when she danced than she did any other time. More capable too. Dancing had always been the one thing she excelled in. The one thing her mother couldn't criticize her for.

She twirled through the dry grass, balancing on one foot alone, then shifting into a series of fluttery movements. She floated from one end of the cabin to the other and light gleamed from her skin. Luciana relished the feeling. She was in control. It was her magic and her body, and she was in control.

She danced faster and faster, throwing in more complex moves as she went. Her hair fell out of her loose ponytail and swirled around her face. Luciana didn't bother moving it aside. She just kept dancing. Kept glowing. Kept reminding herself that she was in control. It was a wonderful, yet unfamiliar feeling. It was one she would fight to keep.

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Vaughan flew to the cabin on silent wings. His morning had already gone poorly. Kron and Malik had done nothing but cause trouble. Two of Vaughan's pupils were sent to the medical ward, one with a twisted ankle and the other with three broken fingers. Kron and Malik found themselves kicked into Aedion's hut and were still awaiting a new punishment.

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